
Version Control with Subversion

Errata for Version Control with Subversion

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page xv
last line of the page


Anonymous    Oct 01, 2005
Page 6
the last line before "Subversion's Components"

The last line before "Subversion's Components" had an extra double quote at the end of the line

Anonymous    Oct 01, 2004
Page 8
example below 1st paragraph

URI for local repositor "file://path...", NOW READS

Anonymous    Oct 01, 2004
Page 31
svn status output

$ svn status
L abc.c # svn has a lock in its .svn directory for abc.c
M bar.c # the content in bar.c has local modifications
M baz.c # baz.c has property but no content modifications
X 3rd_party # this dir is part of an externals definition
? foo.o # svn doesn't manage foo.o
! some_dir # svn manages this, but it's either missing or incomplete
~ qux # versioned as dir, but is file, or vice versa
I .screenrc # this file is ignored
A + moved_dir # added with history of where it came from
M + moved_dir/README # added with history and has local modifications
D stuff/fish.c # this file is scheduled for deletion
A stuff/loot/bloo.h # this file is scheduled for addition
C stuff/loot/lump.c # this file has conflicts from an update
S stuff/squawk # this file or dir has been switched to a branch


$ svn status
L abc.c # svn has a lock in its .svn directory for abc.c
M bar.c # the content in bar.c has local modifications
M baz.c # baz.c has property but no content modifications
X 3rd_party # this dir is part of an externals definition
? foo.o # svn doesn't manage foo.o
! some_dir # svn manages this, but it's either missing or incomplete
~ qux # versioned as dir, but is file, or vice versa
I .screenrc # this file is ignored
A + moved_dir # added with history of where it came from
M + moved_dir/README # added with history and has local modifications
D stuff/fish.c # this file is scheduled for deletion
A stuff/loot/bloo.h # this file is scheduled for addition
C stuff/loot/lump.c # this file has conflicts from an update
S stuff/squawk # this file or dir has been switched to a branch

Anonymous    Oct 01, 2005
Page 43
Examining local changes

As we've seen, invoking svn diff with no switches will compare your working files to
the cached "pristine" copies in the.svn area:

As we've seen, invoking svn diff with no switches will compare your working files to
the cached "pristine" copies in the .svn area:

Anonymous    Oct 01, 2004
Page 55
OMISSION regarding svn log output near top of page

The section mentioned above shows example svn log output with a list of changed paths. To the left of each file, is a letter indicating the type of change. However, I could not find an explanation anywhere of what those letters mean. The actual output has the entries indented, as well, somewhat confuling the situation.

The questions that need to be answered are:
1. What do the letters mean? Are they the same as the "svn status" output (which is documented, I believe)
2. Since in other output there are multiple columns of symbols, is this the case with the "svn log -v" output? Is there any way to tell whether the file itself was changed, whether it was a property change, or both?

Note from the Author or Editor:
The explanation of the svn log codes are in the reference entry on 'svn log' at the back of the book. That said, it might be nice to mention the letter code meanings when we first show the verbose-mode output of 'svn log'. I'll file an enhancement on this over in the public bug tracker:

There's only a single letter code shown next to changed paths. The only way to see whether it was a textual or property modification is to run 'svn diff' on the changeset.

Page 106
the 2nd code listing;

the second code listing on the page had a "&hellip" which was an untranslated ellipsis. This HAS BEEN CORRECTED to appear as "..." as in the prior examples.

Anonymous    Oct 01, 2005
Page 111
1st paragraph of "Invoking the Server"

There a few different ways to invoke ...

There are a few different ways to invoke ...

Anonymous    Oct 01, 2004
Page 121
1st block of code

The -m is placed incorrectly in the following:

htpasswd /etc/svn-auth-file -m sally

should read:

htpasswd -m /etc/svn-auth-file sally

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thanks, this is already fixed in the online version of the book.

Page 142
3rd paragraph, 2nd line

... Subversion has it own uses for properties, ...

.. Subversion has its own uses for properties, ...

Anonymous    Oct 01, 2004
Page 150
last paragraph, description of "Id"

Expansion of keyword Id in the description is wrong. According to the online-version
it should read
$Id: calc.c 148 2002-07-28 21:30:43Z sally $

Note from the Author or Editor:
It appears that O'Reilly must have been housing this book's DocBook XML sources in CVS, and had keyword expansion enabled for the source files. As a result, the "$Id ..." string in the XML was replaced by CVS notion of the Id keyword expansion for the file.

Page 201
svn diff / Description / 2nd paragraph

The second part of the Description after "... are as follows:" are not
set with an idention in other forms (html, pdf) of the book, where all
text following the heading "Description" are set with the same left
border than the heading

Page 248
Summary of status codes, mid-way down the page

The description of the "X" status code appears to contain
a DocBook formatting code ("XREF linkend..."). This presumably
should be replaced by a cross-reference to the "Externals Definitons"
section on p. 154.
