
Statistics Hacks

Errata for Statistics Hacks

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 5
middle paragraph

From the author: Statements defining the mean as "as close as possible to other scores" are incorrect. The mean actually minimizes the squared distances, not the distances.

Thanks to S. Davies in an review for pointing this out.

Page 10
middle of the page

The description of the additive rule as applying to any one of a group of
"independent" events is confusing at best and wrong at worst. The probability of any
one of several "mutually exclusive" events occurring IS the sum of the individual
event's probabilities. The author uses the word "independent" to mean that events
cannot co-occur, and, therefore, are mutually exclusive. As S. Davies in an review pounts out, however, the word "independent" is more likely (and
more commonly) interpreted as meaning that whether an event occurs or not is
unrelated to whether any other events occur, which has an opposite meaning from
"mutually exclusive". Thanks to S. Davies for pointing this out.

Page 39
Table 1-10 Effect size standards

Caption should read "Effect size", not "Effect sze".

Page 56
1st paragraph

The 2nd sentence should read " estimate future college success", not "future college admission".

Page 160
4th paragraph

The example of a simple imaginary game where you would win money over the long haul is not explained well, because of an editing error. Replace the third sentence with "The other half of the time you would lose one dollar."

Page 182
Last paragraph

Most whole numbers in the text have commas in them, for example 4,968,601. However,
in the fraction on the last line of the page only the numerator has commas in it,
which is a bit confusing.
You might change

Page 196
middle of page, Probability of all 6 attempts failing

.8086 = .278
should be:
.8086^6 = .278

Page 197
second line

The equation says "90^10 = .349", but it should read ".90^10 = .349".
