
Programming in the Key of C#: A Primer for Aspiring Programmers

Errata for Programming in the Key of C#: A Primer for Aspiring Programmers

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 224

Missing "=" In Code Sample There is an error in the fifth sentence of the fourth paragraph on Page 224. Change: "i * i < iMax"" To: "i * i ProductStudio BugID = 6733

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010 
Page 231

Missing "=" In Code Sample There is an error in the second program instruction after the 'SkipLoop' label in the SieveWithGoto.cs program on Page 231. Change: "if (i * i < iMax) goto NextBase;" To: "if (i * i ProductStudio BugID = 6732

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010 
Page 254

Missing ";" In Code Sample There is an error in the first program instruction of the Main() member function in the ReferenceParameters.cs program on page 254. Change: "int iMyAge = 50" To: "int iMyAge = 50;"ProductStudio BugID = 6731

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010 
Page 257

0 Should Be 55 On page 257, there is an error in the text following the ArrayValueParameter.cs code sample. Change: "ChangeArray sets the first element of the array to 0, and also sets the array itself to null." To: "ChangeArray sets the first element of the array to 55, and also sets the array itself to null."ProductStudio BugID = 6642

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010 
Page 372

System.ID Should Be System.IO There is a typographical error in the first sentence of the last paragraph on page 372. Change: "Another important .NET Framework namespace is System.ID." To: "Another important .NET Framework namespace is System.IO."ProductStudio BugID = 6723

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010