
Microsoft® ASP.NET 2.0 Step By Step

Errata for Microsoft® ASP.NET 2.0 Step By Step

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 2 and 3

Clarification on virtual directory name After installing the Code Samples as described on pages xxv and xxvi, a virtual directory is created in IIS named aspnet2sbs which contains the sample code. The last line on on Page 2 and Step 3 on Page 3 both refer to a virtual directory named ASPNETStepByStep. In those instances and where ever else in the content a virtual directory containing the code samples is referred to, replace ASPNETStepByStep with aspnet2sbs.

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010 
Page 3

Wrong location for helloworld.htm file referenced
On page 3, step 3 reads:

"After the TELNET client connects, type the following GET command (assuming you have a virtual directory named aspnet2sbs on you machine, containing a file named HelloWorld.HTM):

C:/> GET //aspnet2sbs/helloworld.htm"

It should read:

"After the TELNET client connects, type the following GET command (assuming you have a virtual directory named aspnet2sbs on you machine, containing a file named HelloWorld.HTM in the /CS/Chapter02/content subdirectory):

C:/> GET //aspnet2sbs/CS/Chapter02/content/helloworld.htm"

Microsoft Press  Jul 13, 2010 
Page 35

Extra using line in code sample. On page 35, the first three lines of Listing 2-1 read: using System; // partial1.cs using System;The first line should be removed, so they read: // partial1.cs using System;

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010 
Page 36

Method2 defined rather than Method1 in Listing 2-1
On page 36, the definition of Method2 in Listing 2-1 reads:

public void Method2()


Console.WriteLine("SplitMe Method2");

}It should read:

public void Method1()


Console.WriteLine("SplitMe Method1");


Microsoft Press  Jul 13, 2010 
Page 42

ASP.NET Web Site template referenced rather than Empty Web Site On page 42, the first sentence of the last paragraph reads: "Selecting ASP.NET Web Site causes Visual Studio to generate a directory structure similar to the one generated by ASP.NET Web Site." It should read: "Selecting ASP.NET Web Site causes Visual Studio to generate a directory structure similar to the one generated by Empty Web Site."

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010 
Page 85

Code sample incorrect
On page 85, the 13-19 lines of the code sample are incorrect.


output.Write("This is a palindrome: ");


output.AddStyleAttribute(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Color, "blue");



output.RenderEndTag(); // boldl

output.RenderEndTag(); // fontTo:

output.Write("This is not a palindrome: ");


output.AddStyleAttribute(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Color, "red");



output.RenderEndTag(); // bold

output.RenderEndTag(); // font

Microsoft Press  Jul 13, 2010 
Page 86

Extra step needed between steps 1 and 2 of the Using View State process On page 86, an additional step should be inserted between steps 1 and 2 of the Using View State process that reads: "Add System.Collections to the list of using directives. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Text; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Collections"

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010 
Page 97

Incorrect control name used in Step 10
The first two sentences of step 10 read:

"Build the project and add the User control to the ControlORama UsePalindromeCheckerControls.aspx page. You can pick up the User control directly from the toolbox and drop it on to the page."

They should read:

"Build the project and add the PalindromeCheckerCompositeControl control to the ControlORama UsePalindromeCheckerControls.aspx page. You can pick up the PalindromeCheckerCompositeControl control directly from the toolbox and drop it on to the page."

Microsoft Press  Jul 13, 2010 
Page 132

"DisplayModeDropdown" should be "DropDownListDisplayModes" On page 132, the full line of code in the first code sample is incorrect. Change: DisplayModeDropdown.Items.Add(item);To: DropDownListDisplayModes.Items.Add(item);

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010 
Page 255

\ should be
On page 255, the ninth line of the code sample for step 7 is incorrect.





Microsoft Press  Jul 13, 2010 
Page 260-261

form should be farm On pages 260, the last sentence of the first paragraph refers to a Web farm a Web form. Change: "In addition, the in process Session manager is confined to a single machine, meaning you can’t use it in a Web form." To: "In addition, the in process Session manager is confined to a single machine, meaning you can’t use it in a Web farm." On page 260, the second-to-last sentence ofthe first bullet point refers to a Web farm a Web form. Change: "To run in a Web form, you would direct all your applications to go to the same place to retrieve session information." To: "To run in a Web farm, you would direct all your applications to go to the same place to retrieve session information." On page 260, the last sentence ofthe second bullet point refers to a Web farm a Web form. Change: "Use this option when you want to run your server from within a Web form when you want session state to be durable and safe." To: "Use this option when you want to run your server from within a Web farm when you want session state to be durable and safe." On page 261, the last sentence of the "Storing Session State InProc" section refers to a Web farm a Web form. Change: "Your application will retrieve and store session information very quickly, but it will be available only to your application (and not on a Web form)." To: "Your application will retrieve and store session information very quickly, but it will be available only to your application (and not on a Web farm)."

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010 
Page 268

Form_Load method referenced in place of Page_Load
On page 268, the first sentence of step 11 reads:

"Finally, edit the Form_Load method to collect the information from each of the controls in the Wizard."

It should read:

"Finally, edit the Page_Load method to collect the information from each of the controls in the Wizard."

Microsoft Press  Jul 13, 2010 
Page 269

TextBoxSummary referenced in place of LabelSummary On page 269, the 17th line of the code sample reads: this.TextBoxSummary.Text = strSummary;It should read: this.LabelSummary.Text = strSummary;

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010 
Page 360

Error in code sample
On page 360, the "add" section of the code sample for step 6 is incorrect.


<add path="customformhandler" verb="*"

type="CustomFormHandlerLib, CustomFormHandler" validate="True" />


<add path="customhandler.cstm" verb="*"

type="CustomFormHandler, CustomFormHandlerLib" validate="True"/>

Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate

books. All comments and corrections listed above are ready for

inclusion in future printings of this book. If you have a later printing

of this book, it may already contain most or all of the above corrections.The print number of the book is located on the copyright page in the form of a string of numbers. For example: "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 QWT 9 8 76 5 4". The first number in the string is the the print number. In this example, the print number is 2.

Microsoft Press  Jul 13, 2010