
Year 2000 in a Nutshell

Errata for Year 2000 in a Nutshell

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 136
The column labeled Indx1,

reads: 1,1,1,6,6,6,5

Should read: 1,1,1,3,3,3,5

Page 281-288
Replace the code after Code Mudule Functions with

Option Explicit

Global CurrentFileName$, InputFile1$, OutputFile1$, _
OutputFileNum1%, InputFileNum1%
Global tt1(5000) As String, tt2(5000) As String
Global LCount1%, Lcount2%
Global Linecounter%
Global EmergencyStop%
Global SStrings(500) As String
Global SSubs(500) As String
Global Findings(5000) As String
Global subsIndex%
Global stringsIndex%
Global i%, Ins$
Global mm2&
Global AppPath 'new & change all app.paths
Global Default_Editor

Sub InitArrays()
Dim X
On Error GoTo ErrInitArrays
'initialise 3 arrays
'search-strings, subroutine names
'and output
For X = 0 To 500
SStrings(X) = ""
SSubs(X) = ""
For X = 0 To 5000
Findings(X) = ""
stringsIndex = 0
InputFileNum1 = FreeFile
'read searchstrings into array
If Right(AppPath, 1) = "" Then
Open AppPath & "SString.txt" For Input As InputFileNum1
Open AppPath & "SString.txt" For Input As InputFileNum1
End If
While Not EOF(InputFileNum1)
Line Input #InputFileNum1, Ins
Ins = Trim(Ins)
'next if/end
If Len(Ins) > 0 Then
SStrings(stringsIndex) = Ins
stringsIndex = stringsIndex + 1
End If
Close InputFileNum1
subsIndex = 0
InputFileNum1 = FreeFile
'read subroutine heading into array
If Right(AppPath, 1) = "" Then
Open AppPath & "SSubs.txt" For Input As InputFileNum1
Open AppPath & "SSubs.txt" For Input As InputFileNum1
End If
While Not EOF(InputFileNum1)
Line Input #InputFileNum1, Ins
Ins = Trim(Ins)
'new few
If Len(Ins) > 0 Then
SSubs(subsIndex) = Ins
subsIndex = subsIndex + 1
End If
Close InputFileNum1
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error accessing Search Strings " & Err
Exit Sub
End Sub

Sub Main()
' Default_Editor = GetProfile("Default_Editor")
' frmY2K1.Show
End Sub

Function notCurrencyFloat(locc%, sstring$)
Dim II$, xx%, qq$, kk$, flag%, OFlag%
Dim locc2%
If Not (IsNumeric(sstring)) Then
notCurrencyFloat = True
Exit Function
End If
locc2 = locc
II = Ins
'expand funtionality to accommodate
'variations on 18,19,19xx etc. here
OFlag = True
flag = False
qq = ""
xx = 0
kk = Mid$(II, locc2 + xx, 1)
'build numeric string inc. decimals
While kk = "." Or kk = "," Or IsNumeric(kk)
xx = xx + 1
qq = qq & kk
kk = Mid$(II, locc2 + xx, 1)
'occurrence contains a decimal point
If InStr(qq, ".") > 0 Or InStr(qq, ",") > 0 Then
flag = True
OFlag = False
End If
If flag Then
'look at remainder of string
II = Mid$(II, locc2 + xx, Len(II) - locc2 + xx)
locc2 = InStr(1, II, sstring, 1)
If locc2 > 0 Then
flag = True 'another instance
flag = False
End If
End If
Loop While flag
notCurrencyFloat = OFlag
End Function

Sub MainProcess(way)
Dim LC%, FC%, k%, X%, subroutine$, FS&, locc%, tt$, _
CharCase%, dd%, ee%
Dim ShortOut$
Dim occtot%, MM&, mm3%
' On Error GoTo errMainProcess
InputFileNum1 = FreeFile
LC = 0
FC = 0
X = 0
Open InputFile1 For Input As InputFileNum1
MM = FileLen(InputFile1)
frmY2K1.txtBytes.Text = Format(MM, "#,###,###")
mm3 = 0
frmY2K1.ProgressBar1.Value = 0
Dim tmp%
tmp = 0
'scan whole file
While Not EOF(InputFileNum1)
'increment progress bar
If way Then
'If mm3 = 10 ^ mm2 Then
tmp = tmp + 1
'new next
If tmp < frmY2K1.ProgressBar1.Max Then
frmY2K1.ProgressBar1.Value = tmp
End If
'mm3 = 0
'End If
'mm3 = mm3 + 1
End If
If EmergencyStop Then GoTo bb:
'skip past blank lines
Line Input #InputFileNum1, Ins
Ins = Trim(Ins)
Loop Until (Len(Ins) > 0 Or EOF(InputFileNum1)) _
And Left(Ins, 1) <> "~"
LC = LC + 1
If way Then
frmY2K1.txtCurrentLOCs.Text = LC
frmY2K1.txtToTalLocs.Text = _
frmY2K1.txtToTalLocs.Text + 1
End If
Ins = Trim(Ins)
Linecounter = Linecounter + 1
'check if inpur string is a subroutine name
For i = 0 To subsIndex - 1
If InStr(1, SSubs(i), Ins, 1) Then
subroutine = SSubs(i)
Linecounter = 0
FC = FC + 1
If way Then
frmY2K1.txtCurrentFuncs.Text = FC
frmY2K1.txtTotalFuncs.Text = _
frmY2K1.txtTotalFuncs.Text + 1
End If
End If
If EmergencyStop Then GoTo bb:
'check input string for date occurrences
For k = 0 To stringsIndex - 1
If EmergencyStop Then GoTo bb:
Ins = UCase(Ins)
SStrings(k) = UCase(SStrings(k))
locc = InStr(1, Ins, SStrings(k), 1)
If locc > 0 Then
'skip processing if only currentcy float
If notCurrencyFloat(locc, SStrings(k)) Then
'save string containing occurrence,
'shorten to first
'50 chars if too long
Findings(X) = Trim(subroutine) & "--" & Trim(Ins)
dd = Len(Findings(X))
ee = Len(SStrings(k))
If dd > 50 Then
''new 50 to 48
Findings(X) = Left$(Findings(X), 48) & _
" " & Left$(SStrings(k), 9) & Space(10 - ee) _
& " #" & Linecounter
Findings(X) = Findings(X) & Space(50 - dd) _
& " " & Left$(SStrings(k), 9) & Space(10 - ee)
& " #" & Linecounter
End If
X = X + 1
'update screen
If way Then
frmY2K1.txtCurrentOCCs.Text = X
frmY2K1.txtToTOCCS.Text = _
frmY2K1.txtToTOCCS.Text + 1
End If
End If
Exit For
End If
If EmergencyStop Then GoTo bb:
frmY2K1.txtCurrentOCCs.Text = X
'frmY2K1.txtToTOCCS.Text = frmY2K1.txtToTOCCS.Text + x
frmY2K1.txtToTalFiles.Text = frmY2K1.txtToTalFiles.Text + 1
Close InputFileNum1
If X > 1 Then
'dump findings array to file
OutputFileNum1 = FreeFile
'new few
If Len(CurrentFileName) > 6 Then
OutputFile1 = Left(CurrentFileName, _
(Len(CurrentFileName) - 2)) & _
frmY2K1.txtToTalFiles.Text & ".txt"
OutputFile1 = CurrentFileName & _
frmY2K1.txtToTalFiles.Text & ".txt"
End If
'new next 20..
Dim tDir$, Myname$, MyPath, FoundFlag
If Right(AppPath, 1) = "" Then
MyPath = AppPath
MyPath = AppPath & ""
End If
Myname = Dir(MyPath, vbDirectory)
'Retrieve the first entry.
FoundFlag = False
Do While Myname <> "" And Not (FoundFlag)
'Start the loop.
'Ignore the current directory and the
'encompassing directory.
If Myname <> "." And Myname <> ".." Then
'Use bitwise comparison to make sure
'MyName is a directory.
If (GetAttr(MyPath & Myname) And vbDirectory) _
= vbDirectory Then
If Myname = "OUTFILES" Then
FoundFlag = True
End If
End If
End If
Myname = UCase(Dir) ' Get next entry.
If FoundFlag Then
If Right(AppPath, 1) = "" Then
Open AppPath & "outfiles" & OutputFile1 _
For Output As OutputFileNum1
Open AppPath & "outfiles" & OutputFile1 _
For Output As OutputFileNum1
End If
If Right(AppPath, 1) = "" Then
MkDir AppPath & "outfiles"
Open AppPath & "outfiles" & OutputFile1 _
For Output As OutputFileNum1
MkDir AppPath & "outfiles"
Open AppPath & "outfiles" & OutputFile1 _
For Output As OutputFileNum1
End If
End If
Write #OutputFileNum1, OutputFile1
Write #OutputFileNum1, ""
Write #OutputFileNum1, ""
For i = 0 To X - 1
Write #OutputFileNum1, Findings(i)
k = Len(Findings(i))
Close OutputFileNum1
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error in MainProccess " & Err & " was generated by " _
& Err.Source & Chr(13) & Err.Description
Exit Sub
End Sub

Sub Setup(way%)

Dim intCtr As Integer
Dim lngPos As Long, lngStart As Long
Dim strPath As String, strTemp As String
Dim strFile() As String
'"way" indicates display method for scan process
'0 = fast dont update screen every line
'1 = slow, update screen every line
Dim Myname$, MyPath$, X%, Y&, TotalBytes&
AppPath = App.Path
frmY2K1.mnuInputFiles.Enabled = False
frmY2K1.cmdStop.Enabled = True
'init counters
frmY2K1.txtToTalLocs.Text = 0
frmY2K1.txtToTalFiles.Text = 0
frmY2K1.txtToTOCCS.Text = 0
frmY2K1.txtTotalFuncs.Text = 0
EmergencyStop = False
intCtr = 0
TotalBytes = 0
strTemp = frmY2K1.cdlgOpen.FileName
frmY2K1.cdlgOpen.FileName = ""
lngPos = InStr(1, strTemp, Chr$(0))
If lngPos > 0 Then
strPath = Left(strTemp, lngPos - 1)
' Parse files
lngStart = lngPos + 1
ReDim Preserve strFile(intCtr)
lngPos = InStr(lngStart, strTemp, Chr(0))
If lngPos > 0 Then
strFile(intCtr) = Mid(strTemp, lngStart, lngPos - lngStart)
lngStart = lngPos + 1
strFile(intCtr) = Mid(strTemp, lngStart)
End If
intCtr = intCtr + 1
Loop While lngPos > 0
lngPos = 1
ReDim strFile(0)
Do While lngPos > 0
lngPos = InStr(lngPos, strTemp, "")
If lngPos > 0 Then
strPath = Left(strTemp, lngPos - 1)
strFile(0) = Mid(strTemp, lngPos + 1)
lngPos = lngPos + 1
End If
End If
'for all selected files in the list
' get filesize
For intCtr = 0 To UBound(strFile)
If Right(strPath, 1) = "" Then
Y = FileLen(strPath & strFile(intCtr))
Y = FileLen(strPath & "" & strFile(intCtr))
End If
TotalBytes = TotalBytes + Y
'if file too big, exit
If Y > 5000000 Then
MsgBox "Individual File Size Limit of 5MB exceeded (" &
strFile(intCtr) & ") - Processing " & InputFile1 & " Aborted"
frmY2K1.mnuprocess.Enabled = False
frmY2K1.mnuInputFiles.Enabled = True
Exit Sub
End If
'format display
frmY2K1.txtToTbytes = Format(TotalBytes, "#,###,###")
'either setup progress bar limits or delay message
If way Then
mm2 = 0
TotalBytes = TotalBytes / 28 'LOCs > 100
While TotalBytes > 100
TotalBytes = TotalBytes / 10
mm2 = mm2 + 1
'frmY2K1.ProgressBar1.Max = TotalBytes
Dim tmp%, hrs%, mins%
tmp = TotalBytes / 3000
hrs = tmp 3600
mins = tmp 60
If mins = 0 Then mins = 1
If hrs > 1 Then
MsgBox "This process could take up to " & hrs & " hour/s"
MsgBox "This process could take " & mins & " minute/s"
End If
End If
frmY2K1.MousePointer = 11
'scan all files
For X = 0 To UBound(strFile)
If EmergencyStop Then Exit For
If Right(strPath, 1) = "" Then
InputFile1 = strPath & strFile(X)
InputFile1 = strPath & "" & strFile(X)
End If
CurrentFileName = strFile(X)
''new one
CurrentFileName = Left(CurrentFileName, (InStr(1,
CurrentFileName, ".") - 1))
frmY2K1.txtCurrentLOCs.Text = 0
frmY2K1.txtCurrentOCCs.Text = 0
frmY2K1.txtCurrentFuncs.Text = 0
frmY2K1.Label8(4) = InputFile1
MainProcess (way)

Beep: Beep
If EmergencyStop Then
MsgBox "Process Aborted", 64
MsgBox "Done", 64
End If
frmY2K1.ProgressBar1.Value = 0
frmY2K1.MousePointer = 0
frmY2K1.cmdStop.Enabled = False
frmY2K1.mnuInputFiles.Enabled = True
frmY2K1.mnuprocess.Enabled = False

End Sub

Function GetProfile(KeyName)
Dim fnum As Integer
Dim temp As String

On Error GoTo Err_GetProfile

fnum = FreeFile
If Right(App.Path, 1) = "" Then
Open App.Path & "Year-2000.ini" For Input As fnum
Open App.Path & "" & "Year-2000.ini" For Input As fnum
End If
While Not EOF(fnum) And InStr(temp, KeyName) <> 1
Line Input #fnum, temp
If Left$(temp, 1) = "'" Then temp = "" 'comments
If InStr(temp, KeyName) = 1 Then
GetProfile = Right(temp, (Len(temp) - InStr(temp, "=")))
MsgBox KeyName & " not found in Year-2000.ini"
GetProfile = ""
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox "Error # " & Str(Err.Number) & " was generated by " _
& Err.Source & Chr(13) & Err.Description & " in GetProfile _
while trying to open Year-2000.ini - possibly file not found?"
Resume Exit_GetProfile
End Function
