
Jenkins: The Definitive Guide

Errata for Jenkins: The Definitive Guide

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The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Mobi Location 768 0f 7809

Start off by going into the “gameoflife-default” configuration screen again. Click on “Add build step”, and add a new build step to “Invoke top level Maven targets” (see Figure 2-25 ). In the Goals field, place javadoc:javadoc — this will tell Maven to generate the Javadoc documentation.

Should be:

Start off by going into the “gameoflife-default” configuration screen again. Click on “Add build step”, and add a new build step to “Invoke top level Maven targets” (see Figure 2-25 ). In the Goals field, place javadoc:javadoc install — this will tell Maven to generate the Javadoc documentation.

Also, figure 2-25 isn't in sync with the suggested "javadoc:javadoc" in the paragraph, or with my correction (javadoc:javadoc install).

Daniel Larson  Sep 19, 2014 
Printed Page 9-40

Chapter 2, which is designed as an introduction to Jenkins use, is written against very outdated versions of Jenkins and the build tools that are referenced.

As a result, a novice trying to follow it will (and in my case did) spend a lot of time trying to understand how the examples given apply to the version they have, which distracts heavily from the purpose of the chapter, which is giving an appreciation of what Jenkins is and how it works.

In particular, the Cobertura examples don't run at all with the currently available versions of the example GIT project and the version of Jenkins and plugins available easily from the Jenkins website.

To make the start of reading this book less frustrating, it would be good to get an updated version of this chapter produced that has step by step instructions that work in the current version of Jenkins.

Hopefully if that is done, and a reference published somewhere, the new version of the chapter may be usable for a few years before this needs doing again

Michael Firth  May 12, 2017 
Printed Page 36
4th paragraph

The book says to add "cobertura:cobertura" to the goals. This by itself may not produce the xml files. This problem may only exist for certain versions of maven, java, cobertura, I am not sure. The pom file configures cobertura in the reporting plugins only, not in the build section.

See this stack overflow question for clarification:

I was able to fix this by appending "" to the arguments. You could also change the pom file so cobertura is also configured in the build section.

I am using maven 3.3.1, java 1.8.40, and your pom calls for cobertura 2.6 at the time of writing. I could also mention that I'm using jenkins 1.607, but the problem can also be produced from the command line, so I'm sure that my jenkins version is not relevant.

Michael Knapp  Apr 05, 2015 
PDF Page 69
"Manage Nodes" section

There seem to be some missing words in the second sentence.

Jon Forrest  Jun 02, 2013 
PDF Page 74
1st paragraph

"which will restrict the use of this installation to the build notes with
this label."

This doesn't make any sense.

Jon Forrest  Jun 02, 2013 
Printed Page 177
2nd/3rd para

The third paragraph ("More precisely,...") seems to follow on directly after the first paragraph. Perhaps the second paragraph ("Another nice thing...") should be moved after the third paragraph.

Paul Croome  Jun 01, 2012 
PDF Page 197
2nd paragraph

The sentence: "Passive notification (pull) requires the developers to consciously consult the latest build status, and includes RSS feeds, build radiators, and (to a certain extent) emails."

For better readability, consider changing "and includes" to "which may include" or just "including".

Pete  Mar 10, 2013 
Other Digital Version 317
5th paragraph before section 11.5

From publicly available PDF.
Section: 11.4 Associating a Build Job with a Slave or Group of Slaves

"For example, suppose that Windows 7 tests are only to be run in a UAT environment, and that only Windows 7 tests are to be run in the UAT environment"

The phrase is repeated so the meaning is not known.

Dec 29, 2011 
"Starting Up Jenkins"

in the Kindle and O'Reilly online book, there is a link to 'Book Resources" but the page does not exist.
It is supposed to go to www wakaleo com books jenkins-the-definitive-guide

but I get this instead:
dnserrorassist att net search ?q=http%3A books jenkins-the-definitive-guide&r=&bc=

I am using Chrome on Windows if that matters

Thomas Oatman  Jan 14, 2020 
Other Digital Version 1062
top of page

In the kindle edition, on location 1062 of 7710, in chapter 3, at one point the path to the jenkins.war is given as:


Isn't the path actually:



Anonymous  Aug 21, 2017 
Other Digital Version 1218
middle of the page

In the kindle version of this book, on location 1218 of 7710, in the middle of the page, a sentence reads:

"Here you can configure (or reconfigure) ports, JVM options, an the Jenkins work directory."

That "an" in the middle of the sentence does not make sense. A better fit would be "and".

Anonymous  Aug 21, 2017 
Other Digital Version 1236
Table 3-1, plugins description

In the kindle version of this book, on location 1236 of 7710, in Table 3-1 under plugins description, a sentence reads:

"Plugins allow you to extend Jenkins by adding extra feature."

The word "feature" is ungrammatical; isn't it supposed to be "features"?

Anonymous  Aug 21, 2017