
Building Hypermedia APIs with HTML5 and Node

Errata for Building Hypermedia APIs with HTML5 and Node

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Mobi Page loc 4020
Second line on page

For the link element where
the id="m3" should be id="m1"

Andrew Oji  Dec 04, 2012 
Printed Page 5
3rd paragraphy

page 5 "Computer lib/Deam" I think should be "Computer Lib/Dream"

watson  Dec 13, 2011 
PDF Page 11, 12
middle of each code block

Second and third LI.user have a span.suspended element which should be span.status. This appears in the two code blocks on pages 11 and 12 as reported by Amazon's Kindle.

Larry Marburger  Mar 13, 2012 
Printed Page 23
3rd sentence in the "What about RDF?" box

The text says "It is a data interchange standard that [?] relies heavily in URIs [?]". Should this be "[?] relies heavily *on* URIs[?] "?

Ruben Verborgh  Jan 07, 2012 
Printed Page 23
2nd sentence in the "What about RDF?" box

Should "Technically, RDF is not format or media type." become "Technically, RDF is not *a* format or media type."?

Ruben Verborgh  Jan 07, 2012 
Printed Page 28
very bottom

page 28 at the bottom 'express a wide range of domain-specific information using *every* few elements' should probably be 'using *very* few elements'

watson  Dec 13, 2011 
Printed Page 29
4th paragraph

page 29 'one that separates the semantics of data *with* the message markup itself' should probably be 'one that separates the semantics of data *from* the message markup itself'

watson  Dec 13, 2011 
PDF Page 43
The Collection State Response, XML code sample

Both XML code samples include a superfluous "maze" in the URL segments.

XML example should read:

<collection href="<%=site%>/">
<link rel="maze" href="<%=site%>/five-by-five/" />

XML runtime representation should read:

<maze version="1.0">
<collection href="http://localhost:3000/maze/">
<link rel="maze" href="http://localhost:3000/maze/five-by-five/"/>

Joshua Jabbour  Mar 22, 2012 
Printed Page 46
5th line of the top code block

The code line reads:

cz = (req.params.c ||?'0');

Since req.params.c is not defined (as opposed to the previous section, where it is), the expression for cz will always evaluate to '0'. Therefore, the variable cz is constant and can be replaced by its value.

Ruben Verborgh  Jan 07, 2012 
Other Digital Version 47
Code example under "Read Controls (CR)"

In the XInclude code example under the "Read Controls (CR)" section, the URL listed is "" instead of "". In no way is this critical, just an attention-to-detail thing.

Joshua Jabbour  Mar 21, 2012 
Printed Page 58
5th paragraph

Where it says: "1) update this item (Item State), 2) delete this item (Collection state), reload this item (Item State), or return to the list (Collection State)." it should probably say: "1) update this item (Item State), 2) delete this item (Collection state), 3) reload this item (Item State), or 4) return to the list (Collection State)."

watson  Jan 20, 2012 
Printed Page 60
1st line of code

"colleciton.json" should become "collection.json"

Ruben Verborgh  Jan 08, 2012 
Printed Page 66
8th line of the code block

The name of the description field contains an closing bracket.
"name" : "description]"
should become
"name": "description"

The same typo is present in the code block on pag 67.

Ruben Verborgh  Jan 08, 2012 
Printed Page 67
3rd and 4th line

Where it says: name "Used to identify a state transition element (i.e. input) within the representation" it should probably say: name "Used to identify a non-unique state transition element (i.e. input) within the representation"

watson  Jan 20, 2012 
Printed Page 97
2nd code block

"invioce" should be "invoice"

Ruben Verborgh  Jan 08, 2012 
Printed Page 97
3rd and 4th line

Where it says: name "Used to identify a state transition element (i.e. input) within the representation" it should probably say: name "Used to identify a non-unique state transition element (i.e. input) within the representation"

watson  Jan 20, 2012 
Printed Page 102
1st paragraph

The part where it says "Notice that some fields are grouped under the SHOULD keyword and others are under the MAY keyword. These are just comments to indicate which fields "should" be returned by the server and which ones "may" be returned by the server. These annotations will be used later when writing up the documentation." -- There aren't any comments with SHOULD or MAY in the previous code. I think this paragraph is left over from a previous draft.

watson  Jan 20, 2012 
Printed Page 103
3rd line, 11th line, 19th line, 4th paragraph

"requried=" should probably be "required="
"client-imitated" should probably be "client-initiated"

watson  Jan 20, 2012 
Printed Page 104
5th paragraph

Where it says: "Second, leaving it out of the media type means that servers are free to establish and transition details on their own." it should probably say: "Second, leaving it out of the media type means that servers are free to establish the transition details on their own."

watson  Jan 20, 2012 
Printed Page 122
1st paragraph

"HTML5 as the based media type" should probably be "HTML5 as the base media type

watson  Jan 20, 2012 
Printed Page 142

On page 142 there is a simple example of a server response to a "collection URI" and each of the three <link> elements has an id attribute. They are: m3, m2, m3 respectively.

I suspect the first one was supposed to be "m1"

Doug Moscrop  Sep 11, 2013 
Printed Page 218
Section "Node.js"

Node.js has been updated an the installation procedure has changed. Also, npm is now included in Node by default and does not require a separate installation.

Furthermore, the installation process for npm packages has changed to a local package system.

Ruben Verborgh  Jan 07, 2012