
Getting Started with CouchDB

Errata for Getting Started with CouchDB

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
PDF Page v
Preface, 2nd Paragraph

Typo on:

"Through the yeras, I?ve worked on many different database systems, including
dB III+, Microsoft Access, Oracle, BRS, Filemaker, Omni 4D, and what I?m probably
best known for, MySQL. The fundamentals of wanting to store information and retrieve
it very quickly are all possible using these tools and just as I did in 1983, I?ve built some
fun and serious applications in all of them. For the most part, though, the database
became a tool?just another utility that became part of the toolkit for building the

*yeras = years

H?ctor Cer?n Figueroa (@Telematica)  May 04, 2012 
PDF Page v
2nd paragraph, 1st line,

"yeras" instead of "years"

KraigWalker  Sep 26, 2013 
ePub Page 11
section: Freeform document format para 2, sentence 1

enfore instead of enforce

Julian  Mar 12, 2014 
PDF Page 41
First code block, line 11

Line: "map": "function(doc) { for(i=0;i<doc.keywords.lenghth();i++)

length is incorrectly spelled.

Cameron Grout  May 05, 2012 
PDF Page 41
2nd paragraph code sample

The JSON sample contains commas that are not followed by subsequent items. Example:

"views": {
"all": {
"map": "function(doc) { emit(doc.title, doc) }",

There should be no comma on the line

"map": "function(doc) { emit(doc.title, doc) }",

since there is no subsequent item within that same scope.

The EPUB version has the correct sample code.

Jenny Dybedahl  Aug 27, 2013 
PDF Page 42,44
4th Paragraph

At page 42 it's said that the design document id is "_design/recipes":

"Note here that *the _id field is _design/recipes*, the URL path of the design document as it was stored into the system."

At page 44 it shows the url template of for design documents as:


but if the DESIGNDOCID is "_design/recipes" then the url template should be:


aMec  Aug 05, 2012 
PDF Page 48
4th Paragraph ("Accessing a view...")

"The update doesn?t need or use the *update*."

should be

"The update doesn?t need or use the *index*."

aMec  Aug 05, 2012 
PDF Page 49
6th paragraph ("To do a range...")

"If we add the UTF-8 character 007F to ?Apricot?, the range will only include recipes with the title starting with Apricot, even if the document ID contains other characters."

What is the character 007F? What does it mean? Why CouchDB architects decided to use this spefically rather than other more commonly used wildcards (*, %)?

aMec  Aug 05, 2012