
Data Structures and Algorithms with JavaScript

Errata for Data Structures and Algorithms with JavaScript

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The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
online ch 8
put function for separate chaining

I was trying to follow the put and get functions for the Separate Chaining section of Chapter 8: Hashing, and I was confused that the put function only accepted a data arg.

Here's what i see in the text:

Next we need to define the put() and get() functions that will work with separate chaining. The put() function hashes the key and then attempts to store the data in the first cell of the chain at the hashed position. If that cell already has data in it, the function searches for the first open cell and stores the data in that cell. Here is the code for the put() function:
function put(data) {
var key = this.betterHash(data);
var index = 0;
if (this.table[key][index] == undefined) {
this.table[key][index] = data;
else {
while (this.table[key][index] !== undefined) {
this.table[key][index] = data;

However, the get function looks like this:

function get(key) {
var index = 0;
var pos = this.betterHash(key);
if (this.table[pos][index] == key) {
return this.table[pos][index+1];
else {
while (this.table[pos][index] != key) {
index += 2;
return this.table[pos][index+1];
return undefined;

Based on the get function and the description, shouldn't the put function look something like this?

var put = function(key, data) {
var pos = this.betterHash(key);
var index = 0;
if (typeof this.table[pos][0] === 'undefined') {
this.table[pos][0] = key;
this.table[pos][1] = data;
} else {
while (typeof this.table[pos][index] !== 'undefined') {
this.table[pos][index] = key;
this.table[pos][index+1] = data;

Jessica Chan  Aug 28, 2014 
Other Digital Version 3
Chapter 3 example code

In the example files:

we use these code to traverse the names List in chapter, but, the property 'pos' will alaways less than 'listSize', so there will be a endless loop..

for(names.front(); names.currPos() < names.length(); {
print(names. getElement());

Anonymous  Mar 27, 2015 
Printed Page 3
print(x + y);

print() statement is used in javascript.

Murty Ganti  May 05, 2023 
PDF Page 18
Creating New Arrays from Existing Arrays

in the book:
var itDiv = cis.concat(dmp);

the correct would be:
var itDiv = cisDept.concat(dmpDept);

Anonymous  Feb 20, 2015 
Printed Page 18
last on the page

Will never run because cis and dmp are undefined:

var cisDept = ["Mike", "Clayton", "Terrill", "Danny", "Jennifer"];
var dmpDept = ["Raymond", "Cynthia", "Bryan"];
var itDiv = cis.concat(dmp);
itDiv = dmp.concat(cisDept);

Looking forward to the 2nd edition where You are using node.js :-)

Anonymous  Jun 25, 2015 
PDF Page 19
First line

in the book:
itDiv = dmp.concat(cisDept);

correct would be:
itDiv = dmpDept.concat(cisDept);

Anonymous  Feb 20, 2015 
Printed Page 33
"Exercises" section

Hi! I was just curious as to where the solutions to the end of chapter exercises would be posted. I tried looking at the Github for this book, but only the solutions to the end of chapter exercises aren't present. If I could be pointed in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated!

Anonymous  Dec 02, 2021 
Printed Page 41
function currPos()

The last function for the ADT list , function currPos() is printed as follows:

function currPos() {
return pos;

i believe it should be as follows:

function currPos() {
return this.pos;

Anthony Poblacion  Apr 13, 2016 
Printed Page 43
Code Example

'When the elements of the text file are split into the array, the newline character is placed with a space.'

This proves to be wrong as the following code snippet shows:

'a\nb'.split('\n') // ["a", "b"]

However it could make sense to trim the elements, to purify 'user input', but this would be another justification.

Anonymous  Nov 06, 2015 
PDF Page 43
1st line of code, just after list of movies

var movies = read(films.txt).split("\n");

should read:

var movies = read("films.txt").split("\n");

There should be quotes around films.txt

Anonymous  Aug 12, 2017 
Printed Page 44
Last code example

In the description above the code example it says: 'the function takes two arguments..' However the function takes four arguments finally. The two additional arguments are filmlist and customerList.
The first one is later in the function used as movielist, which is wrong. And the second one is used correctly inside the function but was declared on the same page further above as customers = new List().

Lot's of confusion here.

Anonymous  Nov 06, 2015 
ePub Page 45
3rd code example

Explaining pop() and shift() return the values they remove, the 1st comment on the 2nd line should be 6, not 9.

Hanggjun Cho  Aug 26, 2014 
Printed Page 53
middle to end

In the description of the algorithm, point 2, it says: 'Replace n with n/b'.
This should be: 'Replace n with the floored value of n / b'

Further down, in the JavaScript implementation of the algorithm, the value is correctly floored with Math.floor().
However, in this line a superfluous equal sign can be found, the whole line is:
num = Math.floor(num /= base);

num /= base divides num by base and assigns the value to num, which is then floored and assigned to num again. Much simpler would be:

num = Math.floor(num / base);

Anonymous  Nov 07, 2015 
Printed Page 57
Exercise 1

There cannot be one specific position of a missing parenthesis in an unbalanced arithmetic expression. This is possible only in a few cases.

"(a / b + c" could be corrected to "(a / b) + c" or "(a / b + c)", which would lead to different results.

Hence an algorithm can only be written that points to a beginning of a parenthesis which is not closed somewhere or an ending of a a parenthesis which is not opened somewhere.

Anonymous  Nov 08, 2015 
PDF Page 57
Iteration through a list

// It takes the last element to the infinite loop

for(names.front(); names.currPos() < names.length(); {

as next() function never increments after the listSize()-1
function next(){
if(this.pos < this.listSize - 1){

//Same for this
for(names.end(); names.currPos() >= 0; names.prev()) {

//It never decrements the value after 0 so the loop never terminates
function prev(){
if(this.pos > 0){

Prashant Yadav  Feb 18, 2018 
Printed Page 60
First code block

names = [];
print(names); // displays Cynthia,Jennifer


The second line should be `names.push`, not `name.push`; a missing "s".

Steven Vachon  Nov 05, 2014 
Printed Page 63
1st paragraph, 2nd sentence, 1st word

"Once scenario we can simulate..."

should be

"One scenario we can simulate..."

where there is an unnecessary "c".

Steven Vachon  Nov 05, 2014 
Printed Page 68
4th paragraph, 4th sentence, 2nd word

"We uses"

should be

"We use"

Steven Vachon  Nov 05, 2014 
Printed Page 70
2nd paragraph, 4th sentence

"priority" instead of "priorty".

Anonymous  Jun 21, 2015 
PDF Page 73
Character 6 Linked Lists

"since we can use the split() function without having to perform additional array element accesses."

It should be splice() not split, the split() method is method of String .

Anonymous  Nov 07, 2015 
Printed Page 76
5th paragraph, first sentence

'To insert a node after an existing node, we first have to find the "after" node'

There technically is no "after" node as `null` comes after the head node to mark the end. The "after" node is the byproduct of our insertion. What we're looking for is the "before" node or, the existing node:

"To insert a node after an existing node, we first have to find that existing node" or similar.

Steven Vachon  Nov 05, 2014 
Printed Page 84
function insert

The insert algorithm has an error, because it does not take care of the value - aka successor of the new node.

The successor of the new node should point back (previous value) to the new node: =;
newNode.previous = current;

// this condition is true when the new node is not inserted
// at the end of the list
if ( { = newNode;
} = newNode;

Denise Nepraunig  Dec 20, 2014 
Printed Page 86

Nowhere is there an example of going backward through a circularly linked list. The `display()` function moves forward and simply moving forward from the last node to head and beyond is not equivalent to moving backward. I'm confused and can't seem to find much online (which is why I bought this book). Please help.

Steven Vachon  Nov 05, 2014 
Printed Page 90-94
various locations

JavaScript does not have a `for each()`

This error occurs in 8 different locations.

Steven Vachon  Nov 06, 2014 
Printed Page 90-94

for each (var key in Object.keys(this.datastore)) {
print(key + " -> " + this.datastore[key]);


`for` only works in Firefox as it's been deprecated along with the ES4/E4X draft spec. Simply switching to `` won't work as it'd result in `print(0 + " -> " + this.datastore[0])`. It should look something like this:

Object.keys(this.datastore).forEach( function(key, index) {
print(key + " -> " + this.datastore[key]);

Steven Vachon  Nov 06, 2014 
Printed Page 91

There is no need to loop through the result of `Object.keys(this.datastore)` because it returns an Array which has a length.

This would be sufficient:

function count() {
return Object.keys(this.datastore).length;

Steven Vachon  Nov 06, 2014 
Printed Page 106
3rd code example

"Here is a program to test the `put()` and `get()` functions:"

The code does not use `pnumbers.put()` anywhere.

Steven Vachon  Nov 07, 2014 
Printed Page 108
Example 8-5

`hTable.put(someNames[i])` is not setting `data` in `arguments[1]`. As a result, the `undefined` condition within `showDistro()` will always be `true`.

Steven Vachon  Nov 10, 2014 
Printed Page 108-109
put() and get() definitions

You cannot put code between `if` and `else`. Additionally, your logic seems flawed.

- In `put()`, if the current index is undefined, set new data to the following index?

- In `get()`, why does it return data from the adjacent key? If just for the sake of returning data in cases of collision, you should explain the reasoning in the text. Also, why the `index += 2`? Also, `var hash` should be `var pos`.

Here is a jsFiddle of your code failing:

Perhaps this is what you were trying to do?:

Steven Vachon  Nov 10, 2014 
Printed Page 116
1st paragraph

removed = "Alisa";
if ( names.remove("Mike")) {
print(removed + " removed.");
else {
print(removed + " not removed.");

Errata: -> again a request with "Mike" makes no sense.
I assume, the author wanted to show a removal request with an object that isn't part of the set. Therefore, the code should be:
removed = "Alisa";
if ( names.remove(removed)) {
print(removed + " removed.");
else {
print(removed + " not removed.");
Alternatively, a code example like


would also make sense to show the effect.

Anonymous  Jun 21, 2015 
Printed Page 141
Code snippet below

'The vertex class needs two data members. [...] These members are named label and wasVisited [...]'
In the Code example below the Vertex class constructor only sets the latter.

Anonymous  Nov 11, 2015 
Printed Page 145-149
the Codes parts

all of the codes parts of BFS and DFS and find the shortest path do not works or give wrong results.

Hessnain Bakir  Oct 29, 2015 
PDF Page 149
[for each] section of the BFS code

There is no this.edgeTo() function defined. Thought it was to call bfs recursively, tried, but didn't work on my code - had no time to review well:

for each(var w in this.adj[v]){

Anthony Nandaa  Nov 30, 2014 
PDF Page 151
code example

in function pathTo, path.push(s) should say path.push(source)

Alex Kaplan  Jul 30, 2014 
Printed Page 176
2nd paragraph

In the description of mergesort it is stated that "It is customary, though not necessary, to implement Mergesort as a recursive algorithm. However, it is not possible to do so in JavaScript, as the recursion goes too deep for the language to handle."

This is flat-out wrong. Mergesort is a classic divide-and-conquer algorithm. For an array of length 2^N, the number of recursive calls on the call stack will be approximately N. Using a well implemented recursive mergesort, in order to reach a recursive depth exceeding the call stack size of virtually any JavaScript implementation, you would need to be operating on an array with something like 10^300 or more elements (and more like 10^6000 for many modern browser implementations).

It is very possible to implement a recursive mergesort, the language absolutely can handle it, and the recursion does not go too deep. A good example of a recursive mergesort implemented in JavaScript can be found here:

Eben Packwood  Sep 05, 2014 
Printed Page 191
Main figure

Figure 13.1 should refer to min search, but in my edition I see the a figure related to the binary search.

Anonymous  Mar 15, 2015 
PDF Page 208
Figure 14-1. Recursion tree generated by recursive Fibonacci function

The figure Figure 14-1. contains several misprints:

1. The leftmost node in the tree (to the right of under recurFib 3) should be recurFib 1 and not recurFib 5

2. recurFib 3 in the left part of the tree also contains the misprint where its left child node should be recurFib 2 and not recurFib 3.

Alexei Gorkov  Apr 12, 2015