
Python & XML

Errata for Python & XML

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
ePub Page Dedication
Dedication author attribution lines

The author attribution lines start with an XML character entity "—" spelled out, followed by an actual em dash character.

Anonymous  Feb 21, 2014 
Printed Page 10
last paragraph

"because its easier to concentrate on the actual structure"

The word "its" should be "it's".

Printed Page 29
first complete paragraph

"At that point, the child's value for xml:space takes precedence for itself and it's

The word "it's" should be "its".

Printed Page 32
First code example

My familiarity with XML is not very high (this book), but an XML example you give
contradicts XML formatting described earlier in the book.

You text:
<name first="Chris" last="Jones"/>

What I think it should be:
<name first="Chris" last="Jones">

The ending slash in an element is for elements that only have one tag, while in this
example you are trying to show an element with two tags that is empty.

Printed Page 70
6 lines from bottom

The 31st line of is in error and so will not print the methods for the
PyXML tree walk.

the line:
elif line.find("def") > 0 and line[:1] == ":" and inClass:
should be:
elif line.find("def") > -1 and line[1] == ":" and inClass:

Printed Page 72

The code after line
is incorrectly indented. The if statement and the last statement should be at the
same level as the first line of code.

Printed Page 74-75
Example 3-9

The code produces invalid HTML: block-level element p is not allowed inside inline
element b. Could remove the b element and use e.g. h1, h2 and h3 instead of p's, br's
and nbsp's.

Printed Page 90
2nd line of Example 4-2

the first import line in his file fails with standard Pyton 2.2.1 distribution.
Searching reveals there is no module xml.dom.ext. Same problem in Example 4-3.

Printed Page 101
Example 4-6

`if` statement is duplicated.

Printed Page 101
2nd "paragraph"

In the first "if" conditional, the subsequent "s =" statement, intended
to be conditionally executed, is not indented as required by Python.

Printed Page 101
Example 4-6

class Article has time value, but time is not set.

Printed Page 106
POSTING_FORM (constance variable).

The variable "POSTING_FORM" is HTTP method is "POST", but attribute of "action" has
"GET" method.

I fiexed to:

<form method="POST" action="start.cgi">
Title: <br><input type="text" length="40" name="title"><br>
Contributor:<br><input type="text" length="40" name="contrib"><br>
Author: <br><input type="text" length="40" name="author"><br>
Contents: <br><textarea rows="15" cols="80" name="contents"></textarea><br>
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="pd">
<input type="submit">

Printed Page 107

"The query string is checked ..." is inaccurate: the data comes from stdin, as POST
method is used.

Printed Page 139
beginning of section "A More Complex Example"

Probably is meant instead of

Last sentence:
"...followed by ... class elements, followed by ..."
should be
"containing ... class elements, containing ..."

Bottom: the sample code has trailing colons in the attribute values,
unlike the output of

Printed Page 140
Section "File Template"

The HTML is not valid: table elements are not allowed inside p elements. The
enclosing p should be removed. (The current code reads as an empty paragraph which is
implicitly closed by the following table element, after which comes an unmatched

Printed Page 142

The template for "method" contains font tags, unlike on p. 140. The tags have no
class attribute, unlike in the splitted code.

Printed Page 146
3rd Paragraph

(also Example 6.8) To establish a stylesheet and transform it to a html string, you
have to do:

html = xsltproc.runUri("story.xml")

But due to an error in XSLT of PyXML, the appendStylesheetUri() is broken and you can
not run this programme.

Printed Page 148
First if statement (if not mode:)

in Example 6-8, the code listing for xslt.cgi contains:

if not mode:
print "<html><body>"
print "<p>No mode given</p>"
print "</html></body>"

should probably be:

if not mode:
print "<html><body>"
print "<p>No mode given</p>"
print "</body></html>"

Printed Page 161
2nd line below Example 7-9

"The contents of the flat file are sent by the browser in the form of a GET request":
The example uses POST, not GET (p. 159 top)

Printed Page 161
Example 7-9

In example 7-9 (flatfile.cgi), CGI captures the flat file from HTTP request and
present it on the browser. To get the flat file the following statement is used:

flatfile = query.getvalue("flatfile","")[0]

flatfile contains only a '#'. To get the whole form you have to discard [0]. In other
words here is the [0] superfluous. It means the above statement in correct form would

flatfile = query.getvalue("flatfile","")

[164/165] In FlatfileParser class on line "if ':' in line:";
if ':' in line:

should be

if ':' not in line:

since this condition is checking for a blank line or rather any line without a :

Printed Page 172
2nd code snippet

The XMP tag should not be used. It was obsolete already in early HTML drafts prior to
HTML 2.0, and remained obsolete in HTML 2.0, HTML 3.2 and HTML 4. The XML code could
be presented as HTML by PrettyPrinting it in a StringIO and then calling cgi.escape
on it. (On p. 174 also.)

Printed Page 173

The code does not print a head or link rel="stylesheet", as on page 170.

Printed Page 189-190
The HTML code starting on p. 189

The HTML-code tries to have a table inside a p. (Actually the start tag <table>
implicitly closes the p element, so that there's an empty paragraph before the table,
and an unmatched </p> after the table.)

Printed Page 193

The headers in the sample do not match the ones created in Example 8-4.

Printed Page 198
Line 1

The method is named printCustomHTTPResponse, not printCustomHTTPHeaders.

Printed Page 198-200
Example 8-5

Misplaced comments: e.g. the description of method do_GET becomes the docstring of
the class.

Printed Page 223
all page

The script uses the MS SOAP toolkit 2.0. To get it to run with the
actual SOAP toolkit 3.0 I had to made several changes in the code:

1. Inserting the version number 30 at several places:

EndPointUrl =

instead of

EndPointUrl =

(It wasn't really clear from the text in the book, that centauri is the (local)
hostname. Using localhost seems clearer to me.)

connector = win32com.client.Dispatch("MSSOAP.HttpConnector30")


serializer = win32com.client.Dispatch("MSSOAP.SoapSerializer30")


reader = win32com.client.Dispatch("MSSOAP.SoapReader30")

instead of

connector = win32com.client.Dispatch("MSSOAP.HttpConnector")


serializer = win32com.client.Dispatch("MSSOAP.SoapSerializer")


reader = win32com.client.Dispatch("MSSOAP.SoapReader")

2. Changing the capitalization of all the SoapSerializer methods:

# Create SOAP Envelope



instead of

# Create SOAP Envelope



3. Similary changing the capitalization for the SoapReader:

# check for errors
if reader.Fault:
print "Error: ", reader.FaultString.text

# Return calculation value
return reader.RpcResult.text

instead of

# check for errors
if reader.Fault:
print "Error: ", reader.faultstring.Text

# Return calculation value
return reader.RPCResult.Text

Printed Page 236
3rd paragraph

My PyXML's (0.7.1) version of PrettyPrint returns XML processing directives like

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE CustomerProfile SYSTEM "CustomerProfile.dtd">

at the top of the text. When the XML switch gets this and creates a DOM from XML
(bottom of p. 272) it raises an exception:

SAXParseException: <unknown>:8:13: xml processing instruction not at start of
external entity

This is because the XML processing directives get stuck in the middle of the message
inside the <response></response> tags.

To fix it, I changed on p.236

PrettyPrint(newdoc, strXML)


PrettyPrint(newdoc.documentElement, strXML)

This gets rid of the XML processing directives.

Printed Page 243
Function insertProfile

The code is not matching p. 238: raises an exception when strXML is false; on p. 238
returned zero in that case.

Printed Page 253
First (only) if statement

The if statement has unnecessary parentheses.

Printed Page 260
Method setXMLMessage

The variables self._headerdom and self._bodydom are not used for anything. Remove or
at least use instead of calling getElementsByTagName repeatedly.

Printed Page 266
1/5 from bottom

The API comment suggests that the module provides a callable named sendMessage.
import xsc
responseXML = xsc.sendMessage(strXMLMessage)
import xsc
xc = xsc.xsc()
responseXML = xc.sendMessage(strXMLMessage)

Printed Page 268
2nd code snippet

processXMLMessagePost removes all occurrences of "n=". Should only remove the leading
two characters. (current code breaks XML that has any attributes whose name ends with
an n.)

The docstring refers to some older version of the code (on p. 271 also)

Printed Page 273
method echoResponse

The replacement of "n=" replaces all occurrences, which is incorrect.
Could change

While strPostData is in its encoded form, it cannot contain more than the leading
occurrence of "n=".

Printed Page 279

qs.get("mode", "") should be qs.get("mode", [""]), and similarly for id. Or perhaps
they should be written like qs.get("mode", [""])[0] to avoid repeated indexing later.

Printed Page 282
1st code snippet

The indexing in qs.get(something, "")[0] fails, if qs.get returns the default value
"": the default should be [""] instead.

The code would also look nicer as a loop:

for field in ("firstname", "lastname", "address1", "address2",
"city", "state", "zip"):
value = qs.get(field, [""])[0].strip()
xmlmsg += "<%>%</%s>
" % (field, value, field)

Printed Page 283

Unnecessary parentheses in the if statements
