
Practical RDF

Errata for Practical RDF

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page 24
Last paragraph, Example 2-1

First triple has an extraneous period after first clause.
Second triple has <> instead of

Printed Page 25
second last paragraph

A period is missing from the end of the triple near the
bottom of the page:
< ...

Printed Page 26
Paragraph 2, code example

The triple needs to end with a period after "Shelley Powers"

Printed Page 32
para -3

monstes3.htm given as being xml:base=//

The example 3.1 repeats the // xmlbase.

Printed Page 34
Figure 3.3

should read:

Printed Page 37
Figure 3.4

should read:

Printed Page 39
para 4

The text suggests that the ns uri point to the RDF schema, yet
its not done for ...

Intentional, or forthcoming?

Printed Page 42
fig 3.6

Lower limb, rhs.
Should be //burning.... .1.0/creator
not created.

Printed Page 58
Second line after heading beginning Containers...

Typo: multiply -> multiple !!!

Anonymous  Oct 23, 2008 
Printed Page 66
Last line but one. rdf:next -> rdf:rest? or just next?

Is this an error? Or am I not getting something here?
rdf:next. Where is it in figure 4-3. Should it rdf:rest? or just next?

Anonymous  Oct 23, 2008 
Printed Page 67
Figure 4-3

The arrows are missing from the figure. The rectangles in the figure should be ovals.

Printed Page 75
Top of page

Example 4-10 uses:
<pstcn:recommendedBy rdf:resource="#s1" />
But Example 4-8 uses:
<pstcn:recommends rdf:resource="#s1" />

I think the recommendedBy tag should be recommends.

Printed Page 77,80
RDF examples using BagID

The validator no longers accepts the BagID construct. Since reification is so
confusing, it would be nice to actually have these examples in a valid format.

Printed Page 79
Figure 4-8

The #type and #subject arrows from genid:ARP10833 are reversed.
The type should be "Statement" and the subject should be "hiermenus".

Printed Page 92
Throughout code on this page and next

Throughout page 92 and 93, the code mixes:
rdf:about=" http://...

The former will not parse as RDF because of the blank before http.

Printed Page 98
1st paragraph

According to the book, only one RDF range constraint can be attached to any property.

According to the RDF Primer(W3C Recommendation 10 February 2004), Section 5.2
(Describing Properties), a property can have zero, one, or more than one range

Printed Page 105
Spans Table on 104/105 Last paragraph

Table 6-1 lists Content bio
P105 lists Resource bio
There is an inconsistency here.

Anonymous  Oct 23, 2008 
Printed Page 115
example 6-5

In the example 6-5, the value of the property "history" is of type rdf:Seq (a Seq
Container). This container contains items of type pstcn:Movement. In the
corresponding schema on page 128, the range of the "history" property is defined as
pstcn:Resource. I suppose that this is wrong. Shouldn't the range be rdf:Seq? By the
way, assuming that it should indeed be rdf:Seq, is there any way to describe in the
schema that the items inside the Container are of type stcn:Movement. This is an open
question that is not answered in the book.

Printed Page 117
Figure 6-3

It seems that almost all labels of the arcs in this figure are totally wrong. They
neither correspond to the description in the text, nor do they make any sense. E.g.,
there is an arc labeled with pointing
to a blank node which has a type property with value rdf:Seq. Actually, this arc
should be labeled with (instead
of bio). Four other arc labels are wrong as well!

Printed Page 119
3rd paragraph

It says that resource, Bio, Movement, Relevancy and Presentation are all defined as
classes however in the actual schema on page 127, only resourc and movement are
defined as classes.

Printed Page 119
paragraph 6 (below the rdf example)

The text says "there are two domains associated with the title that show the classes
the property is associated with: bio and Movement." There seem to be several errors
in this sentence. First, there is no property "title" described in the example; the
example describes the property "type". Secondly, the example does not show the class
(or classes) the property may be associated with. Thirdly, "bio" and "Movement" are
not classes at all, they are properties!

Printed Page 120
paragraph 1, first sentence

The text says "The predicate object associated with 'related' is a resource of class
Movement". This is neither shown in the rdf example, nor does it make any sense
because the class "Movement" has nothing to do with the "related" property. It is
rather related to the "history" property (which is not shown in the example)!

Printed Page 127
Example 6-7

The pstcn:Movement class is not defined as a subclass of pstcn:Resource. This causes
some confusion with the pstcn:history property

Printed Page 153
Figure 8-1

According to the text, Figure 8-1 should show an RDF graph that corresponds to the
preceding example, but actually, the graph shows something completely different. The
graph shows a "type" predicate that does not appear in the example. The second
NS0:related property in the example is not shown in the graph. The label on the
second arc in this graph contains only the prefix, but not the actual name "related"
of the property.

Printed Page 199
Note under Qery-O-Matic

The following URL should be replaced:

BTW: Why don't you run a link checker over all electronic version of your books. Then submit this to errata of books periodically..

Just a thought. Then reprints will be up to date.

Anonymous  Oct 25, 2008 
Printed Page 211
Note on 3rd line of page - url out of date
I beleive this is the new location:

Anonymous  Oct 25, 2008 
Printed Page 216
3rd line - URL - restricted access
This link is a protected resource and consequently can't be downloaded!

Anonymous  Oct 25, 2008 
Printed Page 239
2nd paragraph

it seems that the rdf:resource of rdfs:range must be pstcn:movementTypes (refering to
the simpleType creating in the schema). This concerns the owl:DataTypeProperty.
