
Ajax Design Patterns: Rough Cuts Version

Errata for Ajax Design Patterns: Rough Cuts Version

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page blocked::

Could you please look in to this?

(Chapter one - 1.1. Ajax and the Usable Web)
3rd para footnote;

at the expensive of
should be
at the expense of

Printed Page 22
4th paragraph / html code

There is no DOCTYPE and there is no closing html </html> element. This is also an
issue in downloaded examples.

Printed Page 22 & 31
see below

on p. 22 and p. 31 there should be a </html>-tag in the code

Anonymous  Jul 27, 2011 
Printed Page 23
first dynamic example

The first dynamic example, the one with the "Click Here!" link that displays a bunch of property
information about the event that triggered the dynamic display, does not work on IE6.

Printed Page 26-27
Dynamic Behavior in a Blink example code

There seems to be some code missing. The example isn't very clear and the code as
written on these two pages doesn't run. It seems like some "br" html codes were
left out or actually interpreted on the published page as line breaks.

Printed Page 27
code sample at top of page still not correct after reading errata

There is errata for this code, but it doesn't address this. The line:
$("sandbox").innerHTML = Clicked at " + new Date() + ". Event: " + ev + ";

should be:
$("sandbox").innerHTML = "<p>Clicked at " + new Date() + ". Event: " + ev + ". </p><hr />";

if you want it to appear like the screenshot in the book.

Printed Page 29
php code

On my php5 installation I am required to use <?php to start php start blocks. I
"think" this is a php5 convention and since php5 is a requirement you might consider
using <?php.

Printed Page 37
3rd paragraph / javascript code

Missing call after clearTimeout
submitTimer = setTimeout(submitWord, 1000);

Printed Page 38
Continued code elements from previous page

A whole range of resource links that support this book are now dead.

In this case the ajaxCaller.js script is no longer accessible. This type of problem is repeated with various other resources throughout the book. This is a critical issue for two reasons:

1. The code snippets that are in the book cannot be relied upon due to typo and truncating errors (see other errata).

2. Even if the code snippets were correct they are not complete.

The book's useability is directly linked to the availability of the historic online resources; please re-instate.

Anonymous  Oct 27, 2014 
Printed Page 80
7nd paragraph

"If absolute, the coordinates are relative to the top-left of the entire document."

This is wrong. If positioning is set to absolute, the containing block is set to the
nearest ancestor with a positioning other than static.

Printed Page 80
9th paragraph

<quote>Positioning is set with standard CSS styles: = "150px"</quote>

should be changed to something like

<quote>Positioning is set with standard CSS styles: = "absolute"</quote>

Printed Page 90
First code sample

Either the ellipses should be moved to the last line or the function call should be
closed with something like

, 5000)};

Printed Page 96
1st code example

The code snippet is missing a couple lines in the setTimeout() call.

Printed Page 97
Last code example

The code snippet has the wrong content for xhreq.send()

Printed Page 100
6th paragraph

On page 98/99 it says that the content type header should be "text/xml". Here it says
that the content type header should be "text/html". I think this should be
clarified. Can it be both or is one statement incorrect?

Printed Page 100
Description of responseXML property

"Content-Type" header for XML response should be "text/xml" and not "text/html".

Printed Page 137
2nd code snippet

I believe the line:
event = event || window.event;

should read:
event = ev || window.event;

Can you confirm this?

Printed Page 145
3rd paragraph (7-line code snippet)

the bold line
expiryTimer = setTimeout(expiryTimer, 2000); // 2 secs...
should probably read
expiryTimer = setTimeout(expire, 2000); // 2 secs...

Printed Page 146
5th paragraph

A common alternative is to loop with setInterval.
should probably be
A common alternative is to loop with setTimeout.

(As can be seen in the fade example on page 36.)

Printed Page 173
4th paragraph

The sentence beginning "That's not possible" makes little sense.

Printed Page 285
code example

Now that IE7 supports XMLHttpRequest() directly, it makes no sense to do the "new
XMLHttpRequest()" last instead of first.

Printed Page 286
last paragraph

I think you meant this paragraph to be about version-dependent behavior. It would
make much more sense if it does.

Printed Page 393
code example

document.getElementById("board") should not be done repeatedly within the loop.
The line beginning "the last 4 args" should be a comment.

Printed Page 430
last code example

messageCopy = message.value.replace(/^ */, "")

should instead reference messageCopy

messageCopy = messageCopy.replace(/^ */, "")

Printed Page 466
code in middle

frame = Math...
should be
var frame = Math...

Printed Page 559
4th paragraph

PHP HTTPClient is a framework for PHP, not for Perl
