
Head Rush Ajax

Errata for Head Rush Ajax

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page 21
PHP code: html form tag

When visiting the web site

The FORM action target should be "getUpdatedBoardSales.php"
not "getUpdatedBoardSales-orig.php"

- - - - -

When visiting the web site

The FORM action target should be "getUpdatedBoardSales-mysql.php"
not "getUpdatedBoardSales-orig.php"

Anonymous  Jun 11, 2009 
Printed Page 78
1st box

You tell the "onChange"-event for text input elements is triggered whenever the content changes. This is not correct, as while typing in a sequence of 10 letters, the onChange-event is NOT triggered 10 times as the reader would think.
In fact "onChange" should better be thought of as "onBlurAndChange", since the changyness is checked "on blur".

Printed Page 81
code error inside placeOrder.php supplied in downloaded

insert a session start PHP before HTML tag:

if (isset($_POST['address'])) $_SESSION['address'] =
if (isset($_POST['order'])) $_SESSION['order'] = $_POST['order'];

further down the page replace these two PHP command:

print str_replace("
", "<br />", $address);


print str_replace("
", "<br />", $order);

with these:

print str_replace("
", "<br />", $_SESSION['address']);


print str_replace("
", "<br />", $_SESSION['order']);

Without opening these session variables, the script will break
because the form variables haven't been transfered to the script:

Printed Page 114
United States

In the first paragraph on page 114, the sentence that begins with "But for synchronous applications like Break Neck" should read "But for asynchronous applications like Break Neck".

Anonymous  Oct 05, 2012 
Printed Page 121
Graphic of the Break Neck Pizza page in a browser window.

The browser graphic has the form elements in the wrong order. It should show "Type
your order in here:" before "Your order will be delivered to:".

The text to the left of the graphic that explains the form elements are mixed up.
"While the server is looking up the address, the customer types in the pizza order."
points to the address textarea, it should point to the pizza order textarea.

Printed Page 143
The top graphic of the Break Neck Pizza browser window

The top browser window graphic shows the Break Neck Pizza form with the elements in
the wrong order. It should match the bottom browser window graphic. "Type your
order in here:" should be before "Your order will be delivered to:".

Printed Page 149
Just Do It -- contents of coffee.css, downloaded

The css for the coffeeorder and coffeemaker2 divs does not render accurately in IE7
-- particularly, the coffeemaker2 block appears outside of and far right of the
wrapper division.

I found that changing the entries to match the following gave good results in both IE
and Firefox:

div#coffeeorder {
position: relative;
top: 20px; /* was 60px */
/* removed entry for left */
width: 100%; /* was 300px */
margin: 0;
/* removed entry for padding */

div#coffeemaker2 {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
right:10px; /* was margin-left:520px; */
padding: 10px;
width: 200px;
background-color: #f5f5f5;
border:double medium black;
float: right;

Printed Page 153
Middle of page, <div id="_________________">

I was unable to get the second coffee maker image to appear next to the coffee mug as it is listed in the pictures. I ended up moving the <div> from below the "controls1" <div> to above it and moving the <p id="clear"></p> line below the second coffee maker image.

I also added a <br /> to the <p id="clear></p> line to push the text down.

<div id="wrapper">
<div id="coffeemaker1">
<h2>Coffee Maker #1</h2>
<p><img src="images/coffee/CoffeeMaker1.gif" alt="Coffee Maker #1" /></p>
<div id="coffeemaker1-status">Idle</div>
<div id="coffeeorder">
<p><img src="images/coffee/coffeeMugWithBeans.jpg" alt="Coffee Pot 1" /></p>
<div id="coffeemaker2">
<h2>Coffee Maker #2</h2>
<p><img src="images/coffee/CoffeeMaker2.gif" alt="Coffee Maker #2" /></p>
<div id="coffeemaker2-status">Idle</div>
<p id="clear"><br /></p>
<h2>Place your coffee order here:</h2>
<div id="controls1">

This solved the problem for me in Firefox on both Linux and Windows. But then, I don't know if it was just and issue *I* was having or if it was a problem for anyone else.

Printed Page 156
Here's what we did... Code by the ajax.js

var request = false;

should be

var request = null;

Printed Page 158
last div in the html sample

I am using IE version: 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_grd.050301-1519.

When using the unchanged coffee.css that I downloaded, the second coffee maker
disappears as soon as the div is given the correct ID. To correct the problem I had
to change the left margins as follows:

div#coffeemaker2, margin-left: 320px (instead of 520px).
div#coffeeorder, margin-left: 20px (instead of 220px).

If I don't change the margins for both of these coffeeorder will overlap
coffeemaker2, and coffeemaker2 will be off the page.

Is this just an IE problem?

Printed Page 163
Just Do It

"Once you're done, be sure to save coffee.html, "
should be
"Once you're done, be sure to save coffee.js, "

Printed Page 163
Just Do It

"Once you're done, be sure to save coffee.html, "
should be
"Once you're done, be sure to save coffee.js, "

Anonymous  Jul 30, 2008 
Printed Page 168
Comments to the code

replaceText() instead of reaplaceText() as in replaceText() takes an element, and the text to put...

Printed Page 173
screenshot of browser

When visiting the web site

The coffee maker #2 image does not display on the page in IE 7,
but rather shows on the far right if you scroll over. It does display correctly in Firefox.

Printed Page 255
FAQ box, fourth question

The question "Isn't there an addEventHandler() method?"

This should be addEventListener(), but it's still not supported in IE (and microsoft
have blogged that it won't be in IE7 either :( - maybe IE8).

Printed Page 258

In a discussion about javascript event handlers, the book states that "this" points
to the element that caused the event.

I have been unable to find any reference to a "this" pointer for event handlers in
any javascript reference that I can find.

I tried it, and in I.E. - "this" seems to be pointing to the document.

The code I use to get the element that caused the event is:

function getElement(evt)
evt = (evt) ? evt : event;
if (
node =;
while(node.nodeType != node.ELEMENT_NODE)
node = node.parentNode;
return node;
if (evt.srcElement)
return evt.srcElement;
return evt;

Then I call getElement at the beginning of every event handler that wants to talk to
the element that caused the event.

Printed Page 268
Comment to items 3-4-5

function instead of fiunction as in The rest of this all applies to your addToTop5() JavaScript function.

Printed Page 283
reference to the css file

In breakneck.css, the body declaration contains a font-size attribute that FireFox 3.0.7 is tossing.
font-size: 14; should be font-size: 14px;

DJPJ  Mar 27, 2009 
Printed Page 292, 294
code at bottom

I ran into a problem trying to run:

header("Status: No order was received.", true, 400);

I have two sites I use for hosting and when I tried to run this on the one site that runs php via suEXEC, it doesn't run and needs to be changed to:

header("Status: 400 No order was received.", true);

After I got that working, I also had to make a change on page 294 and change:

var message = request.getResponseHeader("Status");


var message = request.statusText;

The code as it is in the book will work on servers running php as an Apache module, just not on servers running php via suEXEC.

Printed Page 294
4th bolded line in showConfirmation function

"if ((message.length == null) || ..." should be
"if ((message == null) || ..."

Printed Page 315
pizza.js submitOrder()

The 3 vars to retrieve the values from the form should end in ".value" e.g var phone = document.getElementById("phone"); should be
var phone = document.getElementById("phone").value;

DJPJ  Mar 27, 2009 
Printed Page 346
XML block near end of example

Using Firefox 3.0.8 and IE7

The PHP vars were not getting substituted upon return. I had to add the "php" to the opening <? to make it work.

Instead of ...

<boards-sold><? echo $boardsSold; ?></boards-sold>
<boots-sold><? echo $bootsSold; ?></boots-sold>
<bindings-sold><? echo $bindingsSold; ?></bindings-sold>

I had to code ...

<boards-sold><?php echo $boardsSold; ?></boards-sold>
<boots-sold><?php echo $bootsSold; ?></boots-sold>
<bindings-sold><?php echo $bindingsSold; ?></bindings-sold>

DJPJ  Mar 29, 2009 
Printed Page 356
Chapter 6 -- getUpdatedSales.php

$bootsSold = 1672;
$boardsSold = 312;
$bindingsSold = 82;

should be

$boardsSold = 1672;
$bootsSold = 312;
$bindingsSold = 82;

this makes the example work correctly

Printed Page 356
getUpdatedSales.php & displays on page 356 don't match

php file getUpdatedSales.php initial values for boards and boots are reversed:

// Start with an arbitrary number of sales
$bootsSold = 1672;
$boardsSold = 312;
$bindingsSold = 82;

// Start with an arbitrary number of sales
$bootsSold = 312;
$boardsSold = 1672;
$bindingsSold = 82;

You may want to change the rand values to make the sales a little more dramatic:

// Reflect new sales
srand((double)microtime() * 1000000);
$bootsSold = $bootsSold + rand(0,10);
$boardsSold = $boardsSold + rand(0,5);
$bindingsSold = $bindingsSold + rand(0,3);

// Reflect new sales
srand((double)microtime() * 1000000);
$bootsSold = $bootsSold + rand(0,100);
$boardsSold = $boardsSold + rand(0,1000);
$bindingsSold = $bindingsSold + rand(0,100);

Printed Page 380-1
json examples

The JSON examples pp 380-381, if imported literally will not eval() [Firefox, for
one] if the semi colon
exists as the last character. It took me a while to figure that out. Once that was
eliminated, smooth sailing. And so
much better than xml, imo.

Printed Page 381
Gray code box, 3rd line

Though it is not used in the solving the problems on the page, there is a colon after isbn inside the quotations. I am assuming that the items in quotes have to be identical across the array. Thus it should be:

..., "isbn":"0679767800"},

not ..., "isbn:":"0679767800"},

Printed Page 383
Downloaded code for Chap. 7

The error is in the downloaded code for Chapter 7. My download was as of 08-March-2007.

The following line of code is missing from the top of the file 'getUpdatedSales.php' and should be inserted after line 1.


Printed Page 392
Sending a request

/***** Printed Data: *************

var request = new Ajax.Request(
method: 'get',
parameters: 'phone=2142908762&name=Mary',
onSuccess: updatePage,
onFailure: reportError

Missing closing parentheses and semi-colon at the end of call.

Printed Page 404
text-utils.js function clear text

This function will NOT delete all child nodes as it should. The problem lies in the 'for loop' construction.

'for( i=0' and 'i++' mean that i starts at 0 and increments each time the loop iterates.

'i < el.childNodes.length' means that each time that the loop iterates it checks to see if i has exceeded the number of child nodes present.

The problem is that el.childNodes.length is CHANGING as the loop runs.

For example: I have a div with three children [0] [1] and [2].
first loop iteration: i=0 and the 0th node is removed leaving [1] and [2].
i increments to 1
test condition tests is i (1) < el.childNodes.length (2!) yes
i=1 and [1] is removed
i increments to 2
test condition tests is i (2) < el.childNodes.length (1!) NO!!!

The loop terminates leaving [2] still attatched!!!

Here is a solution:

for (var i = el.childNodes.length-1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
var childNode = el.childNodes[i];
