
Inside Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010

Errata for Inside Microsoft® SharePoint® 2010

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page 15
top figure 1.8

figure 1.8, 3rd block( column), child site names ?/Report2009? are the same under the top level site, which is not possible. It must be different.

hardik  Jul 06, 2011 
Printed Page 55

For experienced dev's I think these are minor problems, but for a novice it could be problematic:

First: Not really an error, but anyway: my path to powershell is not %WINDOR%\SysNative\ etc but "%WINDIR%\SysWOW64\" etc. (machine Windows Server 2008 R2). Of course the book is 2 years old so maybe things have changed.

Second: maybe not really an error, but I had to add double quotes to the post-build event commandline (WingtipDevProject1) around some of the arguments to get it building. The error I got was:

The command "%WINDIR%\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command

\BuildCommandDispatcher.ps1 WingtipDevProject1 E:\Download

\InsideSharePoint2010\InsideSharePoint2010\Chapter02\WingtipDevProject1\WingtipDevProject1\ E:\Download

\InsideSharePoint2010\InsideSharePoint2010\Chapter02\WingtipDevProject1\WingtipDevProject1\bin\debug\WingtipDevProject1.dll BuildSolution ""

exited with code 1.

So I changed the commandline to:
%WINDIR%\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command "$(ProjectDir)DeploymentFiles\commands\BuildCommandDispatcher.ps1" "$(ProjectName)" "$(ProjectDir)" "$(TargetPath)" "$(ConfigurationName)"


Anonymous  May 19, 2013 
Printed Page 55

I comment on my earlier erratum-submission which is incorrect: quotes should not be added. It appeared I had to set the security policy to allow execution of powershell scripts (Set-ExecutionPolicy "bypass") (which is allowed because I'm on a dev-machine)

Anonymous  May 19, 2013 
Printed Page 121
1st paragraph

At the phrase
"Now assume that you are creating A MASTER PAGE that links to the master page..."
I?m almost sure you did mean
"Now assume that you are creating AN ASP.NET PAGE that links to the master page..."

Since it does not fit the context and you did not cite anything about linking a master page to another master page.

Thanks for your kind attention,


Jos? Fernando Tepedino  Sep 21, 2011 
Printed Page 139
3rd Paragraph

On the second code snippet on this page, where explaining the CAML code, under the File tag, attributes Url and Name are MySitePage.aspx. Then, on the explanation below the code it reades that the Url attribute is "MySitePage1.aspx". You need to remove the "1" or change the Name attribute on the example.


Pablo Iglesias

Pablo Iglesias  Mar 31, 2011 
Printed Page 379
Sample, goClientOM function

The javascript the get the site is missing parentheses:

site = ctx.get_web;

should be:

site = ctx.get_web();

Anonymous  May 24, 2011 
Printed Page 441
last paragraph

"OnTaskCreated" should be "OnTaskChanged".

pc luong  Sep 07, 2012 
Printed Page 441
last paragraph

The last paragraph includes the following: "Next, we create a second new activity by using the OnTaskCreated event activity type" - however, when it goes onto the next page, Figure 11-20 shows and describes an "OnTaskChanged" activity.

This mix also occurs in the first full paragraph on p.444, where "OnTaskChanged" and "OnTaskCreated" are intermingled in the same paragraph.

Nick Lynch  Sep 19, 2013 
PDF Page 9999

Test. from O'Reilly IT. PLease disregard

Simon  Sep 23, 2011