
Java in a Nutshell

Errata for Java in a Nutshell

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page 8
In the "Getting Started with Java" chapter under the section entitled

"High-Performance", you state "Java 1.0 was said to be about 20 times slower
than C." This is an inaccurate math statement.

In math the word "times" indicates multiplication. The only way that anything
can be "20 times slower" than another thing is that if the one thing's speed
can be stated as a negative number. (ie. 20 * -1 is slower than the speed of
-1) A correct statement would be, "Java 1.0 was said to be 1/20th as fast as

Printed Page 13
Example 1-3:

The text "Please scribble away in the applet below." in the HTML-file is not
shown in Figure 1-1.

Printed Page 23
Primitive Data Types, 1st paragraph

"... to standard default vlaues. Table..."

should read

"... to standard default values. Table..."

Printed Page 26
2nd paragraph of "Terminology: Pass by Reference" section

The swap function should work as intended.
The method parameters a and b are a copy of the references to the objects passed to the method, and so the objects outside of the method should be affected by the method, and the swap function should work as intended.

Printed Page 47
In para. 3

"used by synchronized threads"

Should be

"used by unsynchronized threads"

Printed Page 135
Example 6.5

The image and sound aren't available on line. As is, the program won't run.

Printed Page 137
Example 6-5:

"Applet.this" appears five times in the code. This should be "Soundmap.this".

The way it is in the book, it fails to compile using javac, from the Sun JDK

Printed Page 228
In table 13-2 the escape sequece for xxx (octal numbers) stated the

range is 000 to 0377. The maximum number of digits is three, 0377 is four. If
used acourding to the book:

//The sun compiler will throw an error!
char c = '377';

//This String is two char long not one!
String s = "377";
//This String would be represented by ascii 31 and 55

Printed Page 241
Change "This file a lightly edited" to "This file is a lightly edited".

Printed Page 246
"implicitly" is misspelled.

Printed Page 292
Change "can be draw into" to "can be drawn into".

Printed Page 328
entire example

I'm working with mixing latin and chyrillic texts in a system for producing
bilingual dictionaries and found your "PrintableDocument" class very handy and
would very much be able to use it. But I found two (for me) major problems.
For some reason, the pages are overlapping so that page (n+1) starts with some
4 to 8 "lines" from the end of page (n). Also, characters like accents, that
occupy no width of their own, destroy the measuring, so that the space between
words disappears. This is also true for the vertical bar character that I use
as a stem-marker in the headwords. On the screen it looks just fine, though.

I have done some modifications to get some text in the header and to narrow
the column by scaling the printWidth by 0.6, but the errors are the same even
if I take away my changes to your code.

Printed Page 361
Remove superfluous "that".

Printed Page 481
"classes" is misspelled.
