
Perl for System Administration

Errata for Perl for System Administration

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page 20
4th paragraph, step 2

There appear to be two spaces between "you" and "reach" in "until you reach the

Printed Page 21
program flaw

This program could get stuck in a loop if you have two directories containing
links to each other. I suggest putting the following above the check for -d:

if (-l $name){ # skip links

This will not get stuck in an endless recursion path. There may be a more
eloquent way to do this, but this works.

Printed Page 23
There is a subroutine called CheckFile, which has the following lines

for (my $i=0;$i< $stat[7];$i++){
my $r=sysread(T,$i,1);
if ($r !=1) {
return 0;

The line in question is the "my $r=sysread(T,$i,1);" line. The sysread is
reading one byte into the iterator $i, so the second time the "for" loop is
executed, it attempts to compare the first byte which could be a
letter/number/non-printing character to the number of bytes of the file. This
should be rewritten as follows:

for (my $i=0;$i< $stat[7];$i++){
my $buf;
my $r=sysread(T,$buf,1);
if ($r !=1) {
return 0;

This error can be discovered by turning strict on for the entire script. I
would recommend to the author to turn strict on for every script in the book.
It should improve things a bit.

Printed Page 27
source code at top of page using unlink function

I would like to see a warning about the use of "unlink". Using "unlink" to
remove a directory could cause serious file system problems. Granted, in perl
you would have to run the script as superuser with the "-U" flag on the perl
interpreter. But because of the danger of using unlink I think the author
should have mentioned this.

Printed Page 39
sub EdQuota

The line

print NEWTEMP;

should be outside the if (/^fs $fss+){ block. Otherwise, the only line
printed to NEWTEMP and ultimately to $tfile is the changed line.

Printed Page 39
code example, first comment

In the comment,

# open a scratch file, could use IO::File->new_tmpfile() instead

the -> appears to have been typeset into an actual arrow character instead of the
Perlish minus-greater.

Printed Page 40

$dev = Quota::getcarg

should be

$dev = Quota::getqcarg



should be


Printed Page 48
code listing

if ($dirinfo->mode & 022 and (!$stat->mode & 01000));

should be:

if ($dirinfo->mode & 022 and (!$dirinfo->mode & 01000));

Printed Page 60
second and third code segments

Missing closing parenthesis before "die" in first segment; ";" instead of closing parenthesis before "die" in second segment. Both would be more idiomatically coded as

Win32::Lanman::LsaLookupNames(..) or die "..";

Printed Page 77

print OUTPUTFILE XMLout(TransformForWrite($queue),rootname => "queue");

should be:

print OUTPUTFILE XMLout(TransformForWrite($queue),rootname => undef);

Printed Page 98
Example Perl code, 3rd paragraph

In the example code, when extracting STDOUT from PULIST.EXE, there have been, what
seem to be, a miss in printing.

The following code is found in the book:
$pulistexe = "\bin\PULIST.EXE"; # location of the executable
open(PULIST,"$pulistexe|") or die "Can't execute $pulistexe:$!

($pname,$pid,$puser) = /^(S+)s*(d+)s*(.+)/;
print "$pname:$pid:$puser


The code should look like this:
$pulistexe = "\bin\PULIST.EXE"; # location of the executable
open(PULIST,"$pulistexe|") or die "Can't execute $pulistexe:$!

($pname,$pid,$puser) = /^(S+)s*(d+)s*(.+)/;
print "$pname:$pid:$puser

The error was a missing closing curly-brace just before close(PULIST);

Printed Page 111-113

... =
ess') ...

the } after impersonationLevel is wrong. The correct syntax should be


Printed Page 127
Source code

After comment "deal with a file set..."

tVREG does not exist in lsof output. Change

if (substr($_,0,5) eq "tVREG") {
if (substr($_,0,4) eq "tREG") {

Printed Page 134
code example, handling comments and blank lines

The code section

next if /^#/; # skip comments lines
next if /^$/; # skip empty lines
s/s*#.*$//; # delete in-line comments and preceding whitespace

doesn't skip lines with indented comments, nor lines with only whitespace. I prefer
the following construct, which surely many other people use but I've never run across

s/s*#.*//; # strip comments and optional preceding whitespace
next if /^s*$/; # skip (now-)blank lines

Printed Page 134
3rd non-code paragraph

The final sentence ("Because it is so important, I'll return to this topic later in
the chapter") is missing the final period.

Printed Page 152, 156
various lines of code

The code starts on the previous page defining a date format of yyyymmdd which
is 8 characters. As the script progresses, this changes to 6 characters for
the date instead of 8. For example, the line on page 152 (18 lines down the
page) reads:

$serial = sprintf("%6d%02d",$today,$count);

It should read:

$serial = sprintf("%8d%02d",$today,$count);

There are equivalent errors on page 152 in lines 10, 15 and 16. Also on page
156, lines 17, 20, 21 and 23.

Printed Page 177
Table 6-1 now states that Net::LDAP does support SSL.

It appears that the table originally indicated that SSL is not available for
Net::LDAP. This correction would seem to indicate that SSL is available with
Net::LDAP. Paragraph 2 of page 179 seems to contradict this by stating "Of
the Perl modules available, only perLDAP offers LDAPS (SSL-encrypted
sessions).". LDAPS (SSL) in Net::LDAP or not?

Printed Page 215
3rd line from top

Shouldn't the line $u->SetInfo(); read $c->SetInfo() as $u is never set in the delete
example block.

Printed Page 230
last example on page

the syntax in the for loop is incorrect. it reads:

for ($i=0; $i < $sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS};i++;) {

but should read:

for ($i=0; $i < $sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}; $i++) {

Printed Page 278
1st Code section

The line:
or die "Cannot open file $filename: $! $BerkeleyDB::Error
" ;

seems like it should be:
or die "Cannot open file $blacklist: $! $BerkeleyDB::Error
" ;

(The filename is stored in the variable $blacklist)

Printed Page 402
paragraph preceding "SQL Stragglers"

The example

USE sysadm
SELECT name,servicevendor,enddate
FROM contracts, hosts

is followed by the explaination

ON = ...

Either the WHERE on ON must be incorrect.
