
Designing and Programming CICS Applications

Errata for Designing and Programming CICS Applications

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page 35
Figure 3-1

"MQSeries-CICS OPL Bridge" should be "MQSeries-CICS DPL Bridge".

Printed Page 36
Figure 3-2

The link between Web Server Part 4 and CICS Java application Part 3 is titled
"IICP". It should be "IIOP".

Printed Page 58
Figure 4-4;

Under "Error handling," "NACT02" should be changed to "NACT04."
Under "Name Browse," "NACT02" should be changed to "NACT05."

Printed Page 63
2nd text paragraph

The 2nd text paragraph states that "you can either use a character literal... as we did for FILE above, or you can point to the name of a
storage area that contains the value you want." However, the authors
actually used a storage area: - LF-ACCTFIL.

Printed Page 67
Example 5-1 sample code

IF CA-CRUD-RESP NOT DFHRESP(NORMAL) isn't a valid cobol comparison. Should
be NOT =.

Printed Page 218
example 11-1 account detail screen bms macro definitions

The surname field is named LNAMED in the macro, but later is referred to as the
SNAMED field. Pg 227 example 11-4 has SNAMEDL, pg 228 example 11-5 has SNAMEDO,
there may be other differences.

Example 11-3 refers to the fields as SNAMEM..., which is different from the later
SNAMED... references.

Printed Page 349
FTP of 9781565926769adp.txt file to host mainframe

When moving the test data file 9781565926769adp.txt from a PC with the CD-ROM to the
mainframe system, the following FTP command must be included to create the
proper sequential file on the mainframe:

ftp> quote site recfm=fb lrec=383

The "bin fixed 80" command produces a file the repro cannot use to create the
test VSAM file.

Printed Page 349
Example A-1; Add

quote site recfm=fb lrecl=80

after bin

Printed Page 360
1st paragraph

Paragraph begins "Dedit", but it should be "Edit"
