How can a MySQL query return data from multiple tables?

Learn how the JOIN technique can help you present information from two or more tables.

By Steve Perry
March 29, 2017
Screen from "How can a MySQL query return data from multiple tables?" Screen from "How can a MySQL query return data from multiple tables?" (source: O'Reilly)

For a representation of data to be meaningful, it is often necessary to join two or more tables. Follow along in your own SQL enabled relational database, as Steve Perry demonstrates the indispensable JOIN technique. Beginner SQL developers with a basic knowledge of SQL SELECT statements will be able to extract and present information from separate tables.

Continue building your skills in MySQL with the full Introduction to MySQL course on Safari.

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Steve Perry teaches database design, MySQL, and the web development stack at Palomar College near San Diego. He’s worked in IT and software development since 1977, holds a Master’s degree in Education with an emphasis on adult education and online training, and is the author of multiple O’Reilly titles, including Learning SQL For Oracle and Dynamic Web Design with PHP and MySQL.

Post topics: Software Engineering
Post tags: Questions