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Oncology Nurses' Patient-Education Practices
From of a survey at the 1999 ONS Annual Congress

Nearly two hundred oncology nurses participated in our survey about preferences for patient-education materials at the 1999 Oncology Nursing Society Annual Congress. Here is what they told us.

The most frequently used formats of information were photocopies of articles and brochures.

The majority of nurses said they provided educational materials to between 100 and 1000 patients a year, with the greatest number providing this service for 100 to 500 patients per year.

Of those who answered the budget question, over half had less than $500 per year to spend on patient education materials. This low budget accords with the media they made use of, which were, in decreasing order of prevalence: articles they had copied, brochures, videos, and then books.

These materials came from a range of sources, including medical organizations. Most nurses said that they use the Internet to gather information. A large majority indicated that they would be interested in receiving free black-and-white masters for making copies of patient-education materials.

The topics they said would be most helpful were:

  • Cancers of the skin, blood, lung, breast, ovary, head and neck, prostate, and colon
  • Bone marrow transplants, radiation, and chemotherapy (including side effects)
  • Patient, family, and child care; communication between doctor and patient
  • The disease process, skin care, survivorship, and coping
  • Medication, nutrition, sexuality, pain, fatigue, and depression

Results of 191 One-Minute Surveys:

Do you currently disseminate educational information to your patients?

Yes -- all but 2

If yes, to how many patients per year?

<100      40
100-500      70
500-1,000      25
>1,000      20

What kind of educational material do you provide?

Books      105
Brochures      172
Videos      113
Copied articles      179

What is your yearly budget for patient education materials?

<$500      11
$500-1,000      7
>$1,000      8

How do you select what material to hand out?

From medical organizations      35
From a range of sources      117
(25 checked both)

Would you be interested in "masters" to make copies from?

Yes      124
No      40

If yes, how much would you be willing to pay?

Development costs      1
Production/shipping costs      38
Nothing      88

How would you like to receive the masters?

Black & white originals      120
Via Web      15
Via email      20

Do you have access to a copier?

Yes -- all but 2

What topics would be most helpful to you?

  • Cancers of the skin, blood, lung, breast, ovary, head and neck, prostate, and colon
  • Bone marrow transplants, radiation, and chemotherapy (including side effects)
  • Patient, family, and child care; communication between doctor and patient
  • The disease process, skin care, survivorship, and coping
  • Medication, nutrition, sexuality, pain, fatigue, and depression

Do you use the Internet to gather information?

Yes      130
No      44

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