MH & xmh: Index for "P"

Pack Folder command 15.6 Organizing Messages with Folders
packf command 8.10 Bursting Messages, 6.4 More About scan, 8.4 Storing Messages
packmbox command 8.11 Pack Messages into a File
pattern argument 12.2 The .maildelivery File in Detail
pattern matching
in .maildelivery files 12.2 The .maildelivery File in Detail
in messages 12.9 Alternatives to mhook Programs
permissions, setting 1.5 MH Profile, 9.7 Setting Access Permissions for Other Accounts, 9.9 Sharing Other Users' Folders
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) 21.11 The Built-in Editor
pick command 5.7 Find and Specify with scan, pick, Ranges, Sequences, 8.2 Finding Messages with pick, 13.11 Getting Message Numbers, 6.2 Reading MIME Messages
Pick command 14.8 Searching for Messages, 15.8 Using Pick
pick command
abbreviating switches 8.2 Finding Messages with pick
-after 8.2 Finding Messages with pick
-before 8.2 Finding Messages with pick
Pick command
clearing old Entries 15.8 Using Pick
Creating Sequence box 15.8 Using Pick
date field box 15.8 Using Pick
date range box 15.8 Using Pick
pick command
-date 8.2 Finding Messages with pick, 8.2 Finding Messages with pick
dates in Getting Picky About Date Searches
early versions Prehistoric pick-ing
example 5.7 Find and Specify with scan, pick, Ranges, Sequences, 8.2 Finding Messages with pick, 8.2 Finding Messages with pick, 8.2 Finding Messages with pick, 8.3 More About Sequences
faster searches 8.2 Finding Messages with pick
how searches work 8.2 Finding Messages with pick
-keep Prehistoric pick-ing
-list 8.2 Finding Messages with pick
mh-e usage 18.5 Searching Through Messages, 18.6 Using Sequences
miscellaneous fields 8.2 Finding Messages with pick
multiple criteria 8.2 Finding Messages with pick
-nolist 8.2 Finding Messages with pick
-nozero 8.2 Finding Messages with pick
Pick command
Or button 15.8 Using Pick
-or- 15.8 Using Pick
pick command
passing numbers with backquotes 8.2 Finding Messages with pick
passing numbers with sequences 8.2 Finding Messages with pick, 8.2 Finding Messages with pick, 8.3 More About Sequences
precedence 8.2 Finding Messages with pick
-scan Prehistoric pick-ing
searching multiple folders 8.2 Finding Messages with pick
searching with 20.9 Selecting Multiple Messages
-sequence 8.2 Finding Messages with pick
-show Prehistoric pick-ing
Pick command
with msgs from sequence box 15.8 Using Pick
pick command
example 8.2 Finding Messages with pick
examples 8.2 Finding Messages with pick, 8.2 Finding Messages with pick
Pick window 15.8 Using Pick
PickGeometry 16.3 Changing How Commands Work
pipe action
and environment variables 12.11 Debugging Tips
in .maildelivery files 12.2 The .maildelivery File in Detail
plus sign (+) sidebar: The Pluses of MH
pof shell alias 9.2 MH and the Shell
point 17.1 GNU Emacs Terms and Conventions, 18.3 Editing a Draft
PointerColor 16.3 Changing How Commands Work
POP (Post Office Protocol) 8.12 MH Shell on a Mailbox File: msh, 6.7 Using MH with POP, 1.6 What Computers Support MH?
pop command 6.7 Using MH with POP
popauth command 6.7 Using MH with POP
popi command 6.7 Using MH with POP
popwrd command 6.7 Using MH with POP
position resources, exmh 22.12 Geometry and Position Resources
post command 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages
pr command D.15 Explanation of fols, 6.1 Showing and Printing Messages, 13.1 Writing Shell Scripts for MH
PrefixWmAndIconName 16.3 Changing How Commands Work
prev command 5.3 Reading Mail: inc, show, next, prev, 6.1 Showing and Printing Messages
PrintCommand 16.3 Changing How Commands Work
private cache 9.4 Configuring mhn
profile (see MH profile)
profile entries, mhn 9.4 Configuring mhn
automhnproc 9.4 Configuring mhn
creating 9.4 Configuring mhn
mhn-cache 9.4 Configuring mhn
mhn-charset- 9.4 Configuring mhn
mhn-compose- 9.4 Configuring mhn
mhn-show- 9.4 Configuring mhn
mhn-storage- 9.4 Configuring mhn
mhn-store- 9.4 Configuring mhn
programs, starting automatically 12.2 The .maildelivery File in Detail
-doteof 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages
-rapid 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages
prompter command 7.10 Distributing Messages with dist, 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages, 10.10 Append Text with prompter.nopre
-noprepend 7.9 Forwarding Messages with forw
disposition? 7.5 Working with Draft Messages
what now? 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages
what now? display 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages
what now? edit 5.4 Replying to Messages: repl, 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages
example 7.2 Changing Default Editors, 7.11 Sending Files; Using mhmail and viamail
what now? edit original 7.5 Working with Draft Messages
what now? list 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages
example 5.4 Replying to Messages: repl
what now? push 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages, 7.5 Working with Draft Messages
what now? quit 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages
example 7.5 Working with Draft Messages
what now? quit -delete 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages, 5.2 Sending Some Mail: comp, send
what now? refile 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages
what now? refile -link 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages
what now? send 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages, 5.2 Sending Some Mail: comp, send
example 5.2 Sending Some Mail: comp, send
what now? send -snoop 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages
what now? send -watch -verbose 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages
what now? whom 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages
what now? whom -check 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages
what now? xxxx -help 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages
puf shell alias 9.2 MH and the Shell
push 7.1 Overview: Sending MH Messages, 7.5 Working with Draft Messages

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This file is from the third edition of the book MH & xmh: Email for Users & Programmers, ISBN 1-56592-093-7, by Jerry Peek. Copyright © 1991, 1992, 1995 by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. This file is freely-available; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. For more information, see the file copying.htm.

Suggestions are welcome: Jerry Peek <>