Tyler Neylon

What Lua can do for you

Date: This event took place live on June 23 2016

Presented by: Tyler Neylon

Duration: Approximately 60 minutes.

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Lua may be the best language for portable, high-level code. Lua is small, cross-platform, and easy to integrate; it also happens to run quickly and is easy to learn. If you are working with an app based on C, C++, or Objective-C and would like to add a higher-level language for faster development, this webcast is for you. Tyler Neylon offers an introduction to Lua, outlines some of its benefits, and demonstrates how to use it to add a read-evaluate-print loop (REPL) to your app and Lua scriptability to an iOS app. No prior knowledge of Lua is necessary.

About Tyler Neylon

Tyler Neylon is a software consultant with experience developing video games with Lua and C. He has worked at several startups as well as Medium, Google, and Microsoft. Tyler is the author of the popular Lua tutorial Learn Lua in 15 Minutes. He occasionally does machine-learning research in order to justify the five years he spent getting a PhD in applied mathematics.