
WordPress: The Missing Manual

Errata for WordPress: The Missing Manual

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 11
4th - final paragraph

Second sentence - the phrase "you have two options" is repeated a second time. This may be intended to be humorous but, if so, it should be noted as such (maybe a smiley?)

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 11, "you have two options, you have two options" should be "you have two options"

Sid  Sep 07, 2013 
Page 35
Word of the Wise box, Settle for... paragraph

It says "But be careful-the last think you want..." It should be "thing" instead instead of "think."

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 35, "the last think you want" should be "the last thing you want"

Anonymous  Jan 29, 2013 
Page 113
3rd paragraph (First paragraph of Understanding Tags). Last sentence

"For that reason, the process of applying to tags ...". The word "to" should be deleted as it changes the meaning of the sentence.

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 113, "process of applying to tags" should be "process of applying tags"

Carlos Ronisky  Nov 20, 2012 
Page 123
Power Users' Clinic Box

First sentence of second paragraph: On Mac, the equivalent of Windows' Ctrl-Clcik is the "Command" + Click, not Control.

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 123, "Ctrl key (Control on a Mac)" should be "Ctrl key (Command on a Mac)"

Carlos Ronisky  Nov 20, 2012 
Page 177
Power Users' Clinic box, first bullet, 2nd to last line

The phrase "TinyMCE is one the most popular" should be "TinyMCE is one of the most popular"

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 177, Power User's Clinic box, first bullet, "TinyMCE is one the most" should be "TinyMCE is one of the most"

Anonymous  Jul 31, 2013 
Page 188
Figure 6-13

The caption says "For example, the owner of this site used the first picture in this list (me.jpg) in the post "Green Tea for Health Seminar." In the screen shot I don't see any files called me.jpg and the words "Green Tea for Health Seminar" doesn't appear anywhere.

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 188, Figure 6-13 caption, last sentence "For example ..." should read "For example, the owner of this site used the first picture in this list (dead_elvis_tatto.jpg) in the post "Dead Elvis."

Anonymous  Aug 01, 2013 
Page 209
Figure 7-8

In Figure 7-8, the arrangement of the menu bar items matches the table on page 208 as it is supposed to. The caption for the figure says "the Pages widget shows an identical collection of pages." The page names in the sidebar are the same, but the order is different than the menu bar and the table. Shouldn't the order match the table?

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 209, Figure 7-8 caption, last sentence, "the Pages widget shows an identical collection of pages." should read "the Pages widget shows the same collection of pages, but sorted by title."

Anonymous  Aug 01, 2013 
Page 230
Last paragraph in the box

"popular, you readers" should be "popular, your readers"

Note from the Author or Editor:
p 230, last paragraph in sidebar, "popular, you readers" should be "popular, your readers"

Gretchen Patti  Mar 07, 2016 
Page 282
1st paragraph, 3rd sentence

Sentence starts "Some provide new a page of options..."

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 282, first paragraph, third sentence, "Some provide new a page" should be "Some provide a new page"

Don Jenkins  Oct 30, 2013 
Page 441
1st paragraph

The phrase beginning with: "Here, the theme uses the entry-level class..." would be corrected in "Here, the theme uses the entry-title class..."

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 441, first paragraph, "Here, the theme uses the entry-level class" should be "Here, the theme uses the entry-title class"

Maurizio Cannavo'  May 20, 2013 
Page 442
3rd paragraph

The line of HTML code <h1 id=id="site-title"><a href="" would be corrected in <h1 id="site-title"><a href=""

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 442, second block of code, first line:
<h1 id=id="site-title">

should be:
<h1 id="site-title">

Maurizio Cannavo'  May 20, 2013 
Page 485
2nd paragraph

There is an example on page 485 which shows you how to edit the order of posts for a category page using the "query_posts" function.

I tried typing the example from the book into the category.php template but it didn't work and I couldn't seem to understand why. I checked and double checked that I had copied down correctly the following code:

<?php $posts = query_posts( $query_string . '&Orderby=title&Order=asc' ); ?>

I finally had a look at the code examples on the web site and I found that the code in the book uses capitalization for the word "Order" in the code, however in the code archive on the web site all letters are in lower case.

It turns out that the letters for the query string need to be in lower case in order for it to work, like so:

<?php $posts = query_posts( $query_string . '&orderby=title&order=asc' ); ?>

Subtle change but it's the difference between the code working and not working.

By the way I have really enjoyed the book. Thanks.

Kind regards,

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 485, in code, "&Orderby" should be "&orderby" and "&Order" should be "&order" (capitalization is wrong)

Paolo Di Pasquale  Feb 04, 2013