
PostgreSQL: Up and Running

Errata for PostgreSQL: Up and Running

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 29
2nd code snippet

The example for setting the search_path uses single quotes around the values, making it one string value instead of referencing the schemas: `ALTER DATABASE mydb SET search_path='"$user", public, my_extensions';`

Not sure if this qualifies as important, but as a new user of PostgreSQL it took me several hours to figure out what was wrong.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thanks for alerting us. Looks like we have the same typo in the 3rd edition. Corrected in 3rd edition.

Arjan Mossel  Jun 07, 2017 
Page 21
numbered list on the bottom of the page

The order of the numbered list goes "1, 3, 2, 4, 5" instead of in order, with no real reason given for why 3 comes before 2.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thanks. Committed correction

Tim Chase  Sep 30, 2015 
Printed, PDF
Page Missing some important indexes

Indexes missing:

CREATE SERVER (chapter 10 several pages
ALTER SERVER (covered in chapter 10 page (205 of 231)

We've fixed in latest version in git

Leo Hsu
Jan 24, 2015 
Printed, PDF, ePub, Mobi
Page Page 2

Link to pgAdmin is wrong - should be
Link to phppgAdmin is also wrong - should be

Corrected in repo

Leo Hsu
Jan 11, 2015 
Printed, PDF, ePub, Mobi, , Other Digital Version
Back cover

the bullet

"Learn how use built-in replication filters to replicate data"

Should be changed to:

"Learn how to use built-in replication features to replicate data"

Leo Hsu
Jan 05, 2015 
Page 3
2nd paragraph

"PostgreSQL differs from phpPgAdmin ..."

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thanks for the input. Strange I thought we caught this one before it went to print, but see it in my printed version as well.

Should be corrected now and available in next release

André  Dec 16, 2014 
Page 35
PostgreSQL 9.2: New Features 2nd bullet item

Improve of in-memory sort operations by as much as 20%. Could be changed to either

1. Improvement of in-memory sort operations by as much as 20%.
2 Improved in-memory sort operations by as much as 20%.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Already corrected in latest draft

Patrick Carlson  Aug 06, 2014  Dec 05, 2014
Page 58
Materialized Views section

2 sentence. You can new persist data into frequently used views to avoid making repeated retrieval calls for slow queries.

new should be now

Note from the Author or Editor:
already corrected

Patrick Carlson  Aug 06, 2014  Dec 05, 2014
Page 29
Why Upgrade, 1st paragraph, last sentence

Missing word. assuming you can even locate someone willing to the work, should read assuming you can even locate someone willing to do the work.

Note from the Author or Editor:
already corrected

Patrick Carlson  Aug 06, 2014  Dec 05, 2014
Page 27
sequence paragraph

Last line has the word Server spelled as Servaer

Note from the Author or Editor:
already corrected

Patrick Carlson  Aug 06, 2014  Dec 05, 2014
Page 20
schema paragraph

The sentence "If you think of the database as being a county, schemas would bee the individual states"
I believe you meant country, not county

Note from the Author or Editor:
Will be fixed in next release

Patrick Carlson  Aug 06, 2014  Dec 05, 2014
Page 15
United States

The link to the ruby driver is out of date. Rubyforge is no longer in operation. Here's the link I would recommend.

Note from the Author or Editor:
We've updated in our 2nd editon draft.

Ryan Malecky  Jul 29, 2014  Dec 05, 2014
Page 9
sequence paragraph

"Both SQL Servaer[sic] and Oracle have sequence objects"

From PDF copy obtained 7/21/14

Note from the Author or Editor:
Fixed in draft. Should show in next draft release.

Anonymous  Jul 22, 2014  Dec 05, 2014
Page xii
Heading: For More Information on PostgreSQL, 1st paragraph

One spacing error observed on Preface | xii

No space after quotation mark observed, excerpted:

cool �Eureka!"stuff

And in the original text, marked by **** after instance:

'This book is geared at demonstrating the unique features of PostgreSQL that make it
stand apart from other databases, as well as how to use these features to solve real world
problems. You�ll learn how to do things you never knew were possible with a database.
Aside from the cool �Eureka!"stuff,**** we will also demonstrate bread-and-butter tasks,
such as how to manage your database, how to set up security, troubleshoot performance,
improve performance, and how to connect to it with various desktop, command-line,
and development tools.'

Erik Vitands  Jun 30, 2014  Dec 05, 2014
Page xi
1st and 2nd paragraphs

Three comma spacing errors observed on Preface | xi

Space before comma observed, excerpted:

2. postgis spatial extension , and

And in the original text, marked by **** after instance

'If building your own types and functions is not your thing, you have a wide variety of
built-in data types, such as JSON introduced in 9.2, and extensions that provide more
types to choose from. Many of these extensions are packaged with PostgreSQL distros.
PostgreSQL 9.1 introduced a new SQL construct, CREATE EXTENSION, which allows you
to install the many available extensions with a single SQL statement for each in a specific
database. With CREATE EXTENSION ,**** you can install in your database any of the aforementioned
PL languages and popular types with their companion functions and operators,
like hstore key-value store, ltree hierarchical store, postgis spatial extension ,**** and
countless others. For example, to install the popular PostgreSQL key-value store type
and its companion functions and operators, you would type:'

No space around comma observed, excerpted:

3. can run,see �Extensions

And in the original text, marked by **** after instance

'In addition, there is an SQL command you can run,see**** �Extensions and Contribs� on
page 26 for list of available and installed extensions.'

Note from the Author or Editor:
Should be mostly fixed now in our manuscript. I think some were caused by things we thought were spaces but rally unprintable characters when it came to pdf gen so just retyped the space in.

Erik Vitands  Jun 30, 2014  Dec 05, 2014
Page 37
Second section heading

"Don�t Givie[sic] Full Administrative Rights to the Postgres System
(Daemon) Account"

spurious letter 'i' before the e of 'Give'.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Hmm not seeing it in 2nd edition. We might have fixed it since last run since I do recall seeing that typo and fixing it.

Graham Hay  May 30, 2014  Dec 05, 2014