
FileMaker Pro 10: The Missing Manual

Errata for FileMaker Pro 10: The Missing Manual

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 29
Figure 1-10

Figure 1-10 shows 14th (= last) record of the found set. Caption says: seventh.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Caption should indicate that "You're looking at the 14th record...."

Meindert Meindertsma  Nov 20, 2009  Mar 21, 2014
Page 30
2nd and 3rd paragraph

The shortcuts for next and previous record show as using the "Command" key on the Mac. In fact they use the "Ctrl" key.

Note from the Author or Editor:
in both paras the text reads "press Ctrl (CMD)-"

they should both read: "press Ctrl +"

karenh  Feb 18, 2009  Apr 01, 2009
Page 38
Figure 1-18

The names in the figure are supposed to be sorted by Last Name and then First Name. But, Niki Sanders comes before Micah Sanders.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Screen shot is wrong. It will be re-taken for the next edition.

Anonymous  Jul 25, 2009 
Page 49
Figure 2.2

Figure 2.2 shows and describes how values in the Status field change to question marks when the column is too narrow to hold the data. This does not happen in my version of Filemaker Pro (10.0v on Mac). When the column is too narrow, the data in the field is simply truncated and not shown as a question mark.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Edit the first part of the caption for Figure 2-2 to read:

"This is the same database and active record shown in Figure 2-1, but this layout is in Table view. The Status field is formatted as a pop-up menu (page 245), but is too narrow for the data to show, so you see question marks, and the mouse ..."

Charles Ritchie  Apr 24, 2009 
Page 57
last paragraph

The OR should read AND in the two sentences.

Note from the Author or Editor:
reader is correct

dieudonn  Jul 27, 2009  Mar 21, 2014
Page 57
3rd paragraph down

Searching for "New York" returns no found records because in the sample chapter 2 file, each instance is misspelled "New Yorq"

Note from the Author or Editor:
Should be:

1. Switch to Find mode and, in the City field, type "New" and then click the Perform Find button.

You don't have to type the whole entry you're looking for, just enough of it to separate it from other entries. FileMaker shows you a found set of all your New York records.

Randy Knowles  Mar 14, 2009  Apr 01, 2009
Page 64
6 lines up from the bottom

Sentence should read "You're telling FileMaker to search the Notes field instead of the StreetAddress field." not vice versa.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Should be:

"You're telling FileMaker to search the Notes field instead of the StreetAddress field."

Randy Knowles  Mar 14, 2009  Apr 01, 2009
Page 73
Tip at top of page

Going to url specified, "" returns error -

You don't have permission to access /screencasts/ on this server."

Selecting "Screencasts" from menu down the left side of the web page shows several different books, but none for FileMaker 10. Only FileMaker book is Pro 9, and for that book there is no screencast regarding text formatting.

Note from the Author or Editor:

The link should be

Randy Knowles  Mar 14, 2009  Apr 01, 2009
Page 73
Warning box at bottom of page

Unable to choose Format-->Text when no text is selected. Format-->Text is greyed out when no text is selected.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Should be:

"...To avoid unintentional formatting, make sure that when you choose Format -> Text, you're just clicked in a field, but you don't have any text selected."

Randy Knowles  Mar 14, 2009  Apr 01, 2009
Page 183
Box "Fine Tuning Aids"

It says ChooseView➝Test Ruler, it should say ChooseView➝Text Ruler (x instead of s in "Test")

Note from the Author or Editor:
Typo - should be "Choose View -> Text Ruler..." Note: I checked the print copy of the book and found the error, so presumably it exists in both places.

HCT  Mar 17, 2009  Apr 01, 2009
Page 197
8th paragraph

Typo: "<<Street Address>" instead of "<<Street Address>>" (closing bracket missing)

Note from the Author or Editor:
In the line just above the note on page 197, the first item should be "<<Street Address>>." An angle bracket is missing from the end of the merge field.

Anonymous  Jun 28, 2010  Mar 21, 2014
Page 214
2nd line from bottom

Reference to (Figure 5-18) should be (Figure 5-17).

Randy Knowles  Mar 24, 2009  Apr 01, 2009
Page 323
First paragraph (handy cheat sheet)

Susan Prosser/ Geoff Coffey,

I am confused and getting more so....

(Chapter 7:Adding Multiple Tables and Relationships; p. 323)

In creating the relationships, we are pointed to use the 'handy chest sheet'.
I think one of the 'drags' in not very clear. Something is missing (?)

If, as you state in the book, "the stuff before "::" is the table name, and the stuff after is the field name", then the 4th item is incomplete. It is missing information as to what table the field Invoice ID from the Invoice Payments table should be dragged to.

? Drag Invoice Payments::Invoice ID to Invoice ID.

Q.: Does this mean to drag the field Invoice ID to itself?


Fernando Goncalves
Toronto, Canada

Note from the Author or Editor:
The fourth item in the list should read:

"Drag Invoice Payments::Invoice ID to Invoice::InvoiceID."

FernandoJorge  Nov 20, 2009  Mar 21, 2014
Page 323
Figure 7-20

Top of page cheat sheet second bullet point says:
Drag Invoices::Job ID to Jobs::Job ID

Fig 7_20 shows a relationship line from Invoices Table Job ID diagonally to the third table on the top row being the Expenses Table (and within that the Job ID).

Should that very line go to the second table in the top row being the Jobs Table (and within that the Job ID) to match the cheat sheet instructions which seem logical and correct?

Can be confusing for a beginner.


Note from the Author or Editor:
The relationship line between Invoices and Expenses should actually be between Invoices and Jobs.

Anonymous  Mar 28, 2010 
Page 326
1st main paragraph

"Then click the select tool (Figure 7-23), and choose "Select related tables 1-away".

Three problems:

[1] The words "select tool" may be technically accurate, but are nevertheless confusing. In almost all Mac and Windows programs the arrow tool used to select items is called the select or selection tool. Therefore your instruction seems to send the user to the arrow tool, which is, in fact, labeled "Select" in Figure 7-23. What is actually meant is the "Select tables" tool. I spent a good deal of time clicking the arrow tool before I noticed the tool I was actually supposed to be using.

[2] It should read: 1-away." (In English the period always goes inside the closing quotation marks.)

[3] The third problem is not actually on page 326, but in the Figure 7-23, mentioned above. The tools second and third from the left ("Duplicate selected items" and "Create or edit relationship") are inaccurate. They should read something like "Add relationahip" and "Add occurance" or "Add table occurance."

Note from the Author or Editor:
1. p. 326, second graph, third sentence should read: "Then press the select tables tool...."

2. typo

3. Callouts on Fig 7-23 are incorrect. Second and Third tools' callouts are reversed. The second tool should be "Create relationship." The third tool should be "Duplicate selected items."

Jeff Byers  Mar 31, 2009  Apr 01, 2009
Page 346
Figure 8-3

The mistaken reversal of call-outs 2 and 3 in Figure 7-23 (already mentioned in the errata) is repeated in Figure 8-3.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The callouts for "Duplicate selected items" and "Create or edit relationship" are reversed in Figure 7-23 and Figure 8-3.

Mark A. Brown  Aug 01, 2010  Mar 21, 2014
Page 367-8
1st 2 paragraphs of Managing the Relationship Graph

Comparing two ER tables, one horribly complicated and the other streamlined and simple, the text confuses them. The complicated table is Figure 8-17. The streamlined one is Figure 8-18. Twice the text describes the problems of a complicated table and erroneously identifies it as Figure 8-18. It should say 8-17.

Note from the Author or Editor:
p 367, First full paragraph references Figure 8-18. Should be 8-17.
p 368, First paragraph references Figure 8-18. Should be 8-17

jeffanon  Apr 01, 2009  Mar 21, 2014
Page 388
4th paragraph

The Greater-Than-or-Equal-To and Less-Than-or-Equal-To operators as displayed in the code example got mixed up. It should be the other way around.

Note from the Author or Editor:
In the paragraph after the code example on page 388, the symbols are transposed. The first symbol should be less than or equal to &#8804; and the second should be greater than or equal to &#8805;.

Anonymous  Jul 20, 2010  Mar 21, 2014
Page 549
2nd paragraph

2nd paragraph, 2nd and 3rd sentence:

"If the record is already open, then it does nothing...It just locks the record if it isn't locked already."

This seems to conflict with the 4th sentence which says:

"But if the record is already open...then you get a record locking error."

What DOES it do if the record is already open?

Note from the Author or Editor:
First sentence cited should read:

"If the record is not already open..."

Jack Leonard  Aug 21, 2009  Mar 21, 2014
Page 573
Figure 14-18

Figure 14-18 shows the Send Mail Options Screenshot whereas the text relates to the Execute SQL script step.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The figure is wrong. I don't have Geoff's screenshots, but could check them for the right one if given access.

John Wolff  Apr 17, 2009 
Page 714
Figue 18-7

The figure displayed as Figure 18-7 is actually Figure 18-8. (Figure 18-8 is shown twice.)

The 18-7 caption is correct, only the screen shot is incorrect.

PJWaldo  Feb 11, 2009  Apr 01, 2009