
FileMaker Pro 9: The Missing Manual

Errata for FileMaker Pro 9: The Missing Manual

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 527
3rd paragraph from the bottom, last sentence

It says now: with the caveats for intruding on your user's clipboard described on page xx.

It should say: with the caveats for intruding on your user's clipboard described on page 525.

Note from the Author or Editor:
"... live with the caveats for intruding on your user's clipboard described on page 525."

Anonymous  Jul 31, 2008  Nov 01, 2008
Page 527
Note in middle of page, 2nd sentence

It says now:
The record must be entered or opened (page xx).

It should say:
The record must be entered or opened (see the box on page 30).

Note from the Author or Editor:
xRef should read "see the box on page 30"

Anonymous  Jul 31, 2008  Nov 01, 2008
Page 328
Below Diagram

? In the Payments table, add a field called Invoice ID.

Invoice ID does not need to be placed in the Payments table, as it is not directly related to the Invoices table

Note from the Author or Editor:
Bullet point in question should read "In the Invoice Payments table, add a field called Invoice ID."

Anonymous  Jul 18, 2008  Nov 01, 2008
Page 225

The Database example referred to (database of clothing products) is not in the "Missing CD" set of example files

Note from the Author or Editor:
Box text should not refer to a downloadable database with this specific example in it.

Anonymous  Jul 14, 2008  Nov 01, 2008
Page 170
Power User's Clinic, 2nd colon, 2nd paragraph

You wrote: "Choose Align" but it should be: "Choose Arrange"

Note from the Author or Editor:
First words of the second graph, column two of the box should be "Choose Arrange -> Object Grids"

Anonymous  Jul 01, 2008  Nov 01, 2008
Page 170
Power User's Clinic, 2nd column, 2nd paragraph

You wrote: "Choose Align" but it should be: "Choose Arrange"

Note from the Author or Editor:
Second bullet point in column two of the Power User's Clinic should read: "Choose Arrange -> Object Grids ..."

Page 321
FIgure 7-12

Relationship logic is reversed in the text for this figure.

The paragraph states that the correct way to set up this relationship would be to have the primary key in
the Line Items Table and the foreign key in the Invoices Table.

This is refuted in your own text:
page 310 (figure 7-7) crows feet on Line Item.
ditto for page 313 (figure 7-8)

In fact all fugures show a crows feet on Line Item, indicating a one to many relationship for Invoices to
Line Items.

Page 319, bottom paragraph - Invoice Number is the primary key and becomes the foreign key in the Line
Items table.

Page 320, bottom paragraph - "When you see a crow's foot on your ER diagram, you need a foreign key in
the table to which it's attached."

Note from the Author or Editor:
Caption has sentences mixed up. The caption should say:
"These two relationships look almost identical. At the top, a primary key in the Invoices table (the "one" table) related the two tables. As a result, each invoice can have many line items, which is what you want. Below, a primary key in the Line Items table (the "to many" table) relates them. Now each invoice can have only one line item, and that's not what you want.

Page 328
"Note:" area. Middle of the page

The "Note:" text states "They're just plain old text fields." when referring to foreign key fields, but on page 327 the instructions explicitly tell you to make you foreign key fields number fields since the primary key fields are numbers, too.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Second sentence of the note in the middle of the page should say: " They're just plain number fields."

Page 330
4th line under figure 7-20

The instruction reads: "Drag Invoice Payments::Invoice ID to Invoice ID"

This seems to be incomplete. Should it be "Drag Invoice Payments::Invoice ID to Table_____::Invoice ID??"

Or, should it be "Drag Invoice Payments::Invoice ID to Invoice ID::________Field"?

It seems like either a Table name or a Field name is missing from this instruction.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Fourth bullet point on page should read: "Drag Invoice Payments::Invoice ID to Invoices::InvoiceID"

Page 343
3rd paragraph

Text in my printing of the book (10/07)

The Customers table has to a to-many relationship to Jobs, so

I believe you are missing the correct relationship name here.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Second sentence in para three should read "The Customers table has a one-to-many relationship..."

Page 347
Last paragraph in "Portal Power" box

Text I believe to be in error:

Here's the trick: if anying in the portal is anchored

I don't understand what anying is supposed to be.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Second to the last paragraph in the sidebar should read:

"Here's the trick: If anything in the portal..."

Page 373

"you can get into trouble (Figure 8-20)." Should be Figure 8-19.

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 375

"display data from almost all your tables (see the top TOG in Figure 8-19)." Should be Figure 8-20

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 455

First, change the first sentences of the third ? on page 455 like so:

"This behavior comes in handy when you're fiddling with dates in
calculations. In the first example of this section you learned how to
get the last day of the previous month. But what if you need to get
the last day of the current month using a dynamic date field? Suppose
you have....."

Then we also change this, starting from the fifth ? on the same page:

-------------------Start Edit--------

To get the last day of this month, just change the day parameter to
"0" (it's the middle "1"). Here's a commented version of the final

Date (
Month ( Order Date ) + 1 ; // the next month
0 ; // the last day of the month referred to in the parameter
above, or ?this? month
Year ( Order Date ) // this year

-----------------End Edit-----------

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 527
Note in middle of page, 2nd sentence

It says now:
The record must be entered or opened (page xx).

It should say:
The record must be entered or opened (see the box on page 30).

Page 527
3rd paragraph from the bottom, last sentence

It says now: with the caveats for intruding on your user's clipboard described on page xx.

It should say: with the caveats for intruding on your user's clipboard described on page 525.

Page 549
2nd to last paragraph

Second sentence "It always finds invoices from October 31, 2005.", refers to the example mentioned immediately before it "Invoices::Date = 10/31/2007". Year should be updated to 2007

Page 595
Figure 15-21

There are 2 Set Variable script steps. Shouldn't the second Set Variable script step read as follows:
Set Variable [$unbilledItems; Value:$unbilledItems + Get(FoundCount)]

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader is correct. The second variable in Figure 15-21 should read:

Set Variable [$unbilledItems; Value:$unbilledItems + Get(FoundCount)]

Page 664

missing a quote mark

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007