
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns

Errata for Learning JavaScript Design Patterns

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
ePub Page ?
Chapter 9, Observer Pattern, code sample for "Model for List of Dependent Observers"

I am unable to determine page number as Safari Books doesn't show page numbers.

you have a mysterious line of code in the example for Observer pattern which is simply:


Commenting the line out above allows code to run. And while I have your attention, there is a grammatical error:

"Stores a reference to the ConcreteSubject, implements an update interface for the Observer to ensure state is consistent with the Subject?s" is missing punctuation. It runs on to next sentence which doesn't make sense.

Anonymous  Jul 21, 2013 
Printed Page p. 227
reference #9

There is a typo in the author's surname. The correct spelling is "Maioriello".

James Maioriello  Nov 02, 2013 
Other Digital Version ?
Module Pattern - JQuery Example

I think there is a mistake in the following jQuery example:

function library( module ) {

$( function() {
if ( module.init ) {

return module;

var myLibrary = library(function () {

return {
init: function () {
// module implementation

The argument of the library function should be the new created library, so probably it should be:

function library( module ) {

$( function() {
if ( module.init ) {

return module;

var myLibrary = library((function () {

return {
init: function () {
// module implementation

Or alternatively:

function library( module ) {

$( function() {
if ( module.init ) {

return module;

var myLibrary = library(function () {

return {
init: function () {
// module implementation

Anonymous  Feb 27, 2014 
Other Digital Version middle of webpage:

The potential errors are located at

Here is the code on the webpage:

"function testFlyweight(){

// The flavors ordered.
var flavors = new CoffeeFlavor(),

// The tables for the orders.
tables = new CoffeeOrderContext(),

// Number of orders made
ordersMade = 0,

// The CoffeeFlavorFactory instance

function takeOrders( flavorIn, table) {
flavors[ordersMade] = flavorFactory.getCoffeeFlavor( flavorIn );
tables[ordersMade++] = new CoffeeOrderContext( table );

However, should flavors and tables be assigned arrays instead of assigning them "new CoffeeFlavor()" and "new CoffeeOrderContext()" like in the code? Shouldn't it be:

var flavors = []
and tables = []

Because "new CoffeeFlavor()" returns an object with methods getFlavor and serveCoffee, and "new CoffeeOrderContext()" returns an object with the method getTable. But in the code we see "flavors[ordersMade]" and "tables[ordersMade++]," where ordersMade is a number, originally assigned 0 (see code "ordersMade = 0,") which seems to only make sense if flavors and tables are arrays...

Anonymous  May 22, 2016 
We Already Use Patterns Every Day

I might be wrong, but when I ran the linked jsperf comparing getElementsByClassName and querySelectorAll, querySelectorAll was much faster:

However, the text states that getElementsByClassName is far faster.

Since you're talking about the facade pattern and jQuery use abstracting away this performance consideration, it's not a big deal, though vanilla JS gurus might do a double-take.

Thomas Danner  Feb 27, 2018 
PDF Page 15
Quote at the beginning of the chapter

The quote: "A design pattern names, abstracts, and identifies the key aspects of a common design structure..." is originally from the Introduction -> What Is a Design Pattern? part in the GOF Design Patterns book.

Anonymous  Aug 02, 2013 
PDF Page 27
property myMethod2


console.log( "Caching is:" + ( this.myConfig.useCaching ) ? "enabled" : "disabled" );

should be:

console.log( "Caching is:" + ( this.myConfig.useCaching ? "enabled" : "disabled") );

Anto Jurkovic  Oct 29, 2013 
Printed Page 27
In myMethod2

I have question.

The Module Pattern:

In Object Literals

In myMethod2 there is line :
console.log("Caching is :"+ (this.myConfig.useCaching) ? "enabled" : "disabled");

But in output it showing : "enabled"

Why "Caching is enabled" not showing?


Sandip Patel  Sep 11, 2019 
PDF Page 31
end of basketModule

basketModule ends with

it should be

Anto Jurkovic  Oct 29, 2013 
PDF, ePub Page 39
Code Block

publicProperty: "I am also public"

needs a trailing comma.

publicProperty: "I am also public",

Brian Wilkinson  Aug 22, 2013 
Printed Page 101
end of 101, beginning of 102, August 2012 first print edition

Here is the code on page 101 and 102 as well as on the webpage:

"function testFlyweight(){

// The flavors ordered.
var flavors = new CoffeeFlavor(),

// The tables for the orders.
tables = new CoffeeOrderContext(),

// Number of orders made
ordersMade = 0,

// The CoffeeFlavorFactory instance

function takeOrders( flavorIn, table) {
flavors[ordersMade] = flavorFactory.getCoffeeFlavor( flavorIn );
tables[ordersMade++] = new CoffeeOrderContext( table );

However, should flavors and tables be assigned arrays instead of assigning them "new CoffeeFlavor()" and "new CoffeeOrderContext()" like in the code? Shouldn't it be:

var flavors = []
and tables = []

Because "new CoffeeFlavor()" returns an object with methods getFlavor and serveCoffee, and "new CoffeeOrderContext()" returns an object with the method getTable. But in the code we see "flavors[ordersMade]" and "tables[ordersMade++]," where ordersMade is a number, originally assigned 0 (see code "ordersMade = 0,") which seems to only make sense if flavors and tables are arrays...

Anonymous  May 22, 2016 
Printed, Other Digital Version Page 101
middle of page 101 in print book, also on github page

For the Flyweight coffee example, there's incorrect code on github and in the print book, but corrected code on

uncorrected on github and in print book:

"getCoffeeFlavor: function (flavorName) {

var flavor = flavors[flavorName];
if (flavor === undefined) {
flavor = new CoffeeFlavor(flavorName);
flavors.push([flavorName, flavor]);
return flavor;

corrected code located online at

getCoffeeFlavor: function (flavorName) {

var flavor = flavors[flavorName];
if (typeof flavor === "undefined") {
flavor = new CoffeeFlavor(flavorName);
flavors[flavorName] = flavor;
return flavor;

Anonymous  May 23, 2016 
Printed, Other Digital Version Page 101
middle of page 101 in print book, also on github page

*I updated this report with a bit more code:

For the Flyweight coffee example, there's incorrect code on github and in the print book, but corrected code on

uncorrected on github and in print book:

"function CoffeeFlavorFactory() {
var flavors = [];

getCoffeeFlavor: function (flavorName) {

var flavor = flavors[flavorName];
if (flavor === undefined) {
flavor = new CoffeeFlavor(flavorName);
flavors.push([flavorName, flavor]);
return flavor;

corrected code located online at

"function CoffeeFlavorFactory() {
var flavors = {},
length = 0;

getCoffeeFlavor: function (flavorName) {

var flavor = flavors[flavorName];
if (typeof flavor === "undefined") {
flavor = new CoffeeFlavor(flavorName);
flavors[flavorName] = flavor;
return flavor;

Anonymous  May 23, 2016 
Printed Page 149

missing a [, so the printed book has this:

var shuffleColor = _.first(_.shuffle('#666','#333','#111']));

... should be this:

var shuffleColor = _.first(_.shuffle(['#666','#333','#111']));

gustavo palminha  Sep 03, 2016