
Enterprise JavaBeans

Errata for Enterprise JavaBeans

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page 3


Printed Page 114
Deploying the TravelAgent EJB

Creating two different jar files: one for the CabinEJB and another one for the
TravelAgentEJB is very weird.
With this packaging, the Orion server (Oracle) cannot run the application client

I had to struggle to find out why I could not run the Client_3 application.

Printed Page 131
Bottom of page

I believe that the method signature for the last line on the page should have a
return type of CustomerRemote. I believe that the line should be as follows:

public CustomerRemote findByPrimaryKey(Integer id) throws FinderException,

instead of

public Customer findByPrimaryKey(Integer id) throws FinderException, RemoteException;

Printed Page 144
Last example at bottom of page

I believe that the import statement should be as follows:

import javax.ejb.RemoveException;

instead of

import javax.ejb.RemoteException;

Printed Page 166
Client code example and related text

In the standalone client application on pg 166 (and thruout the book) the client is
looking up "CustomerHomeRemote" without explaining where this name comes from! The
deployment descriptors (e.g. page 164) define the name "CustomerEJB" via the <ejb-
name> tag, but nowhere is the string "CustomerHomeRemote" defined explicitly. Since
JBuilder 7 / Borland Enterprise Server defines this remote home name via a Borland-
specific XML file, it begs the question as to what the standard requires and in
general where the lookup name comes from.
If this name is specified by yet another vendor defined mechanism then the book
should clarify this point. Or, if there is a standard,(such as "use the classname
minus the package name" as pages 164-166 imply) then the book should spell that out.

Printed Page 166
Client Application source code

In the body of the first for loop, args[i] is used both to create the primary key,
the firstName AND the lastName of the customer. Not sure how useful and/or practical
this would be, even for the demonstration purposes.

Printed Page 178
first code fragment

the exception EJBException which is declared in the throws clause of
method setAddress is a RuntimeException and would not have to be

Printed Page 190
code segment

first line of the code:

public class CustomerBean inplements javax.ejb.EntityBean{

should be

public abstract class CustomerBean implements javax.ejb.EntityBean{

it lost the "abstract" modifier.

Printed Page 199-200
Last line of code

The book code says iterator.remove(phone). As someone else mentioned the
Iterator.remove() method takes no arguments. However, the code I downloaded changed
that line to phoneNumbers.remove(phone), i.e. it removes the phone number directly
from the Collection using the Collection.remove(Object) method. The problem is that
on the top of page 201 it wanrns specifically not to use the Collection.add() and
Collection.remove() methods while an iterator is in use, and says to only use the
Iterator.remove() method. This corresponds with the Sun Javadocs, which state in the
Iterator.remove() method explanation: "The behavior of an iterator is unspecified if
the underlying collection is modified while the iteration is in progress in any way
other than by calling this method." So, I guess the code in the book on page 199
should be iterator.remove() and the downloadable code is wrong since it calls the
Collection's remove() method.

Printed Page 201
end of first paragraph

You write
"... calling the methods Collection.add and Collection.remove while an iterator is
in use will result in a IllegalStateException".

Actually, calling the add and remove methods will not throw the
IllegalStateException, but when an Iterator is used after these
calls, the iterator throws the IllegalStateException.

Printed Page 215
first full paragraph


should be


Printed Page 267
First paragraph under 'The Remote Home Interface' section

The sentence:

In our home interface, we provide only a single create method.

should be changed to:

In our home interface, we provide two create methods.

(since there are two create methods defined in the ShipHomeRemote interface below
that sentence!)

Printed Page 282
2nd paragraph

Remove the word "is" from the sentence that starts "The is exception should always be

Printed Page 282
2ns sentence in 4th paragraph

The remote interface returned by the findByPrimaryKey() method is ShipRemote, not

Printed Page 287
First code sample

The findByPrimaryKey() method should return ShipRemote, not Ship.

Printed Page 292
first code sample

ShipBean should implement javax.ejb.EntityBean, not extend it.

Printed Page 303
Code sample bottom of page


public class A_Bean extends EntityBean

instead be:

public class A_Bean implements EntityBean?

Printed Page 308
second paragraph

"the EntityContext.getPrimary() method..."

should be

"the EntityContext.getPrimaryKey() method..."

Printed Page 324
where the byCredit() method throws a new PaymentException

The line that reads:

throw new PaymentException("Expiration date has"+ " passed");

should probably just be:

throw new PaymentException("Expiration date has passed");

There doesn't appear to be any need to concatenate the two strings.
Perhaps there used to be a variable in there that was removed?

Printed Page 341
Code where TicketDO object is created

The code that parses the price should be:

double price = Double.valueOf(...).doubleValue();

instead of

double price = double.valueOf(...).doubleValue();

The valueOf() method is a static method of java.lang.Double.

Printed Page 352
7th line in code snippet

There are two semicolons ending the line that reads:

PreparedStatement ps = null;;

Printed Page 353
Second sentence of the last paragraph

Change "an" to "a" in the second sentence of the last paragraph, which currently reads:

"We could have opted to return an collection of remote Cabin references, but we didn't."

Printed Page 353-354
Last sentence on page 353 (continues on to page 354)

The last sentence on page 353 (which continues on page 354) appears to be missing
the word "references" after the word remote:

"In addition, using a collection of remote [references] would requre the client to
work with many stubs, each with its own connection to EJB objects on the server."

Printed Page 361
first line

javax.jta.UserTransaction does not exist!!!

It should be


see -

Printed Page 366
last paragraph

"It's good programming practice to close a TopicConnection after its been used..."
should read

"It's good programming practice to close a TopicConnection after it has been used..."
-or, less preferentially --

"It's good programming practice to close a TopicConnection after it's been used..."

The word "its" should be replaced with the contraction intended, hence "it's" or "it

Printed Page 367
Middle of page (first bold line)

MapMessage mapMsg = session.createTextMessage( );
MapMessage mapMsg = session.createMapMessage( );

Printed Page 369
5th line from bottom (in code sample)


RECIEVED is spelled incorrectly; should be RECEIVED.

Printed Page 376
Code sample

factory.createQueueConnection() is spelled wrong. It is spelled as

Printed Page 379
Variable declaration for Context in ReservationProcessorBean class

Need the following import statements in ReservationProcessorBean:

import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;

Printed Page 385
2nd paragraph

QueueConnection connect = factory.createQueueConneciton should read
QueueConnection connect = factory.createQueueConnection

Printed Page 388
code sample, 2nd line of code

Minor typo - missing the "t" in the setStringProperty(...) method call

Printed Page 392
Queue for ticket should be created, after reservation queue and then should be

setJMSReplyTo(queue) in the at beginning of the cycle;
You can see mistake in sample chapter on this site there is no way to be sent reply
to the Ticket's queue because it is getJMSReplyTo in DeliverTicket but not
setJMSReplyTo in Producer client. I looked at the woorkbook and there it was correct!

Printed Page 416
Middle of the page, phantom read scenario

I think the last sentence of text in both scenario numbers 2 and 4 are incorrect.
Number 2 should read that Cabin 99 is NOT in the list of available cabins, and number
4 should read that Cabin 99 is NOW in the list of available cabins. This is required
to be consistent with the definition of a phantom read and with the explanation of
the scenario given right under it (the record does not show up the first time
listAvailableCabins is called but it does show up the second time).

Printed Page 419
I noticed an error in the 3rd edition of "Enterprise JavaBeans", by Richard

Monson-Haefel. In Chapter 14, "Transactions", on page 419, the last
sentence of the second paragraph in section "Balancing Performance Against
Consistency" reads

The Serializable isolation level ensures that data is never accessed
concurrently by transactions, thus ensuring that the data is always

Actually, the meaning of "Serializable" is that the result obtained would be
as though the data were never accessed concurrently, even if in fact
concurrent access occurs. Where there is no conflict, such as the case when
all access is simply to read the database, then concurrent access is

For example, if 50 processes read the same column from the same row, and no
updates occurred, then all 50 processes could read as concurrently as the
underlying hardware would allow, and Serializable access would be achieved.

See p. 40 of Java Enterprise In a Nutshell, which describes

..this level of isolation forces the database to treat transactions
as if they occurred one at a time. (emphasis added.)

Put another way, Serializable isolation can be obtained if read locks
prevent write locks, and write locks are serialized.

Your description could be called "Serialized" access. It's one way to
implement Serializable, but it's overkill.

Printed Page 422, 423
Bottom of page 422, bottom of page 423

On the bottom of page 422 the code example shows obtaining a UserTransaction with the
following code:

UserTransaction tran = (UserTransaction)jndiCntx.lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction");

I think this should be:
UserTransaction tran =

Which would be consistent with the same code then displayed on the bottom of page

Printed Page 423
HypotheticalBean code example

HypotheticalBean should implement the SessionBean interface, not extend it.

Printed Page 425-428
EJBs definitions: code source of the catch statement

for each BMT EJBs definition : it would be clearer to have the rollback statement in
the catch statement:
}catch(Exception e){
throw new EJBexception(e);
}catch(Exception e){
throw new EJBexception(e);

for the BMT examples, it should be the bean developer to decide to rollback the
transaction and not the client.

Printed Page 427-428
MDB: definition of the BMT

ejbContext.getUserTransaction().begin(); in bold
ejbContext.getUserTransaction.commit(); : it lacks the brackets.

Printed Page 429
code at bottom of page

The book states that javax.transaction.UserTransaction.begin() throws
IllegalStateException but the API states that that it throws NotSupportedException.
This error is carried throught the next several pages.

Printed Page 451,457
source example

the 2 data classes (CabinData & CruiseSheduleItem) should be tagged Serializable
(implements, due to the fact the data will be transfered via

Printed Page 457-8
3 examples of Schedule remote interface

Schedule remote interface should extend javax.ejb.EJBObject, not implement it.

Printed Page 462
HypotheticalBean example

HypotheticalBean should implement the EntityBean interface, not extend it.

Printed Page 463
Code following 4th paragraph

public interface ShipRemote extends ShipBusiness, javax.ejb.EJBObject
should be:
public interface ShipRemote implements ShipBusiness, javax.ejb.EJBObject

Printed Page 470-471
EJB 2.0 deployment descriptor

The deployment descriptor uses the primary key class CabinPK which has not been used
elsewhere in the book. It then also lists the <primkey-field> element (top of page
471) which is an element not used if there is a composite key declared.

The deployment descriptor should either have <prim-key-class>java.lang.Integer</prim-
key-class> (to be consistent with all of the other CabinEJB examples in the book) or,
if using the CabinPK class as the primary key, omit the <primkey-field> element.

Printed Page 476
Definition of ejb-name element

<methodx> should be <method>

Printed Page 479
last paragraphh on page

In the 4th sentence from the bottom, listing the elements required for the message
driven beans, the <security-id-entity> element listed does not exist in the DTD. It
should read <security-identity>.

Printed Page 484
5th and 6th paragraph under the "Remote references" heading

The <env-ref> tag in the first and second paragraph under "Remote references" is not
a valid tag name. The tag should be read as <ejb-ref>.

Printed Page 486
Java code sample

The variable 'CabinHome' should probably be 'CabinHomeLocal' since the code is
illustrating local interface not remote

Printed Page 495
Deployment descriptor code sample

The <role-source> elements all should be <relationship-role-source> elements, as
there is no <role-source> element

Printed Page 528
Sequence diagram. insert data into database

According to this database insert occur after ejbPostCreate. But if you read EJB
specs from sun(ejb2_1_prd_specs.pdf) page 185 last 2 lines on this page it says
database inser occur after ejbCreate method is complete. Primary Key is available in
ejbPostCreate method by using
System.out.println("Primary key iin post create method is :"+
The output on server console is :
Post Create called
Primary key in post create method is :1245
ejb store called
So db insert take place after ejbCreate rather then ejbPostCreate. Please correct me
if I am wrong on it.

Printed Page 530

In the Figure B-4, the arrow for business method from EJB OBJ to Contianer should be
corrected from EJB Obj to "Bean Instance".

Printed Page 531

In Figure B-5 Data Sync Part,

ejbStore() should occures after business method.
So, READ before business method, and then Save it to DB again.
