
Delphi in a Nutshell

Errata for Delphi in a Nutshell

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page 31
Declaration of CD1, CD2 in example 2-1

CD1 and CD2 are delared as TAccount but the memory layout on the following page is
for a class of TCertificateOfDeposit. The example also shows calling the constructor
for TCertificateOfDeposit.

Printed Page 144
"Tips and Tricks"

In the second and third bullets under "Tips and Tricks" in the AssertErrorProc section, "EAssertError" should be "EAssertionFailed."

Printed Page 183
Line 23 of the example under DLLProc Variable now reads

IsMultiThread := Count <= 1

This is incorrect.

Printed Page 187
first bullet in the "Tips and Tricks" section under Dynamic Directive

The first bullet in the "Tips and Tricks" section under Dynamic Directive now reads:

"...virtual methods are faster and take up less memory..."

Should read:

"...virtual methods are faster but take up more memory..."

This is described correctly in the last paragraph on page 87.

Printed Page 316
Example of reintroduce

The example seems to imply that the TSingleVector class extends the TVector
class, but the declaration of TSingleVector does not mention TVector. Because
of this, the reintroduce keyword in the definition of TSingleVector.Add is

Printed Page 411
first bullet in the "Tips and Tricks" section under Virtual Directive

The first bullet in the "Tips and Tricks" section under Virtual Directive now reads:

"...virtual methods are faster and take up less memory..."

Should read:

"...virtual methods are faster but take up more memory..."

This is described correctly in the last paragraph on page 87.

Printed Page 425
Table 6-5, numbers 12 & 14

In Table 6-5, numbers 12 & 14 have the SysUtils Exception Classes transposed. 12 should be EStackOverflow and 14 should be EPrivilege.

Printed Page 455

The $M Compiler Directive might make a reference to the $TypeInfo Directive (on page 467), since it is $M+ or $M-. Just a suggestion.
