Four short links: 10 December 2018

Language Zoo, VS AI, Advertising Plus, and Minecraft Scripting

By Nat Torkington
December 10, 2018
  1. The Programming Languages Zooa collection of miniature programming languages that demonstrates various concepts and techniques used in programming language design and implementation.
  2. AI in Visual Studio Code — good to see IDEs getting AI-powered features to augment coders. In some small way, Doug Engelbart would be proud.
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  4. Outgrowing Advertising: Multimodal Business Models as a Product Strategy — business models from Chinese companies that are augmenting advertising with other revenue streams.
  5. Minecraft Scripting API in Public BetaThe Minecraft Script Engine uses the JavaScript language. Scripts can be written and bundled with Behaviour Packs to listen and respond to game events, get (and modify) data in components that entities have, and affect different parts of the game.
Post topics: Four Short Links