Four short links: 11 July 2019

Museum Copyright, Twitter Apprenticeship, AI Regulation, and Computational Biology

By Nat Torkington
July 11, 2019
Four Short Links
  1. The Great Wave: What Hokusai’s Masterpiece Tells us About Museums, Copyright, and Online Collections TodayIf we consider the customer journey of acquiring a digital image of ‘The Great Wave’ from our fourteen museums, a definite trend emerges — the more open the policy of a museum is, the easier it is to obtain its pictures. Like the other open access institutions in our sample group, The Art Institute of Chicago’s collections website makes the process incredibly simple: clicking once on the download icon triggers the download of a high-resolution image. In contrast, undertaking the same process on the British Museum’s website entails mandatory user registration and the submission of personal data.
  2. Introducing the Twitter Engineering Apprenticeship ProgramThrough our new apprenticeship program, participants will go through a one-year rotation program with full-time employment benefits. Upon completion of the program, they will graduate and join one of our engineering teams. For under-represented and non-traditional backgrounds, but I’d love to see more apprenticeship models in software orgs.
  3. Learn faster. Dig deeper. See farther.

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  4. Regulation of AI (LOC) — This report examines the emerging regulatory and policy landscape surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) in jurisdictions around the world and in the European Union.
  5. A Primer for Computational Biology — an open textbook from Oregon State.
Post topics: Four Short Links