Four short links: 13 November 2018

Ways of Working, Too-Smart AI, Wi-Fi Vision, and Materials Science AI

By Nat Torkington
November 13, 2018
  1. Internet-Era Ways of Working — an elegant brief summary of how we do software in 2018, from Tom Loosemore’s team.
  2. Examples of AI Gaming the System — a list of examples of AIs learning more than was intended. Neural nets evolved to classify edible and poisonous mushrooms, took advantage of the data being presented in alternating order, and didn’t actually learn any features of the input images. (via BoingBoing)
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  4. Using Wi-Fi to “See” Behind Closed Doors is Easier than Anyone Thought (MIT TR) — if all you are interested in is the movement of people. Humans also reflect and distort this Wi-Fi light. The distortion, and the way it moves, would be clearly visible through Wi-Fi eyes, even though the other details would be smeared. This crazy Wi-Fi vision would clearly reveal whether anybody was behind a wall and, if so, whether the person was moving. That’s the basis of Zhu and co’s Wi-Fi-based peeping tom. It looks for changes in an ordinary Wi-Fi signal that reveal the presence of humans.
  5. Learning Process-Structure-Property Relations — clever research project that mines research literature to learn relationships about the physical properties and processes in materials science, then automatically generates a diagam for the particular constraints your project has. Code released as open source.
Post topics: Four Short Links