Four short links: 21 December 2018

Tech in China, Wisdom of Small Groups, iOS VPN, and Gameboy Supercomputer

By Nat Torkington
December 21, 2018
  1. MIT TR: The China Issue — from AI to landscaping, it’s the state of big tech in China.
  2. Aggregated Knowledge From a Small Number of Debates Outperforms the Wisdom of Large Crowds — what it says on the box. This is why I like the World Cafe Method of facilitating discussions.
  3. Learn faster. Dig deeper. See farther.

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  4. Wireguard for iOS — a port of Wireguard VPN to the Apple mobile ecosystem.
  5. A Gameboy SupercomputerAt a total of slightly over one billion frames per second, it is arguably the fastest 8-bit game console cluster in the world.
Post topics: Four Short Links