Four short links: 26 December 2017

Internet Mea Culpa, Lending for Data, Graphical Projections, and NPS Harmful

By Nat Torkington
December 26, 2017
  1. My Internet Mea CulpaWhat we’re living in now is not the state the prophets proposed. […] If I had known in 1994 that this whole internet thing would have brought generations — generations — of pain before the solution came, it would have been a totally different decision process for me to help it out.
  2. China’s New Lenders Collect Invasive Data and Offer Billions (NYT) — lots of finance apps for cash loans. The new online lending platforms also raise issues of privacy, a new but growing area of public concern in China. Many platforms that track smartphone use have access to data like location services, phone contact lists and call logs that can be used to track and harass delinquent borrowers. “The government has struggled a lot because they realize that consumers’ personal information is everywhere,” said Liu Yue, a partner at the Boston Consulting Group in Beijing. “But they don’t really know how to change that because the data is already being used.”
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  4. Game Developer’s Guide to Graphical ProjectionsThis article series explains one of the fundamentals of drawing: how to draw three-dimensional things correctly. It’s an essential skill for artists, but it’s also a great first topic for coders that want to get started with art. Even better, we’ll learn it all by simply looking at video games. I don’t easily picture things in the 3D world, but this was totally followable for this flatlander.
  5. Net Promoter Score Considered HarmfulIt’s easy to game NPS to look like you’ve made experience improvements when you may have made it worse. […] [T]here’s no one number that represents a company’s customer experience.
Post topics: Four Short Links