Four short links: 4 November 2016

Information Cartography, Fighting Sexism, RPC History, and Reproducible Data Science

By Nat Torkington
November 4, 2016
  1. Information Cartography: Creating Zoomable, Large-Scale Maps of Information (PDF) — In this paper, we formalize characteristics of good zoomable maps and formulate their construction as an optimization problem. We provide efficient, scalable methods with theoretical guarantees for generating maps. Pilot user studies over real-world data sets demonstrate that our method helps users comprehend complex stories better than prior work. (via O’Reilly Data Show Podcast)
  2. Val Aurora’s Teaching Men to Fight Sexism (The Guardian) — “It is the exact opposite of Lean In,” says Aurora. “Everything has been framed in terms of ‘what can women do to overturn sexism.’ I have reframed it as ‘what can men do to stop sexism, because it is their responsibility.’” (via Zoe Corbyn)
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  4. Brief History of Distributed Programming RPC (Caitie McCaffrey, Christopher Meiklejohn) — caution: contains CORBA. (via Caitie on Twitter)
  5. Knowledge Repo — AirBNB’s open source next-generation curated knowledge sharing platform for data scientists and other technical professions. I’ve worked with data scientists (Dragonfly Science) who gave me their work in reproducible format, GitHub repo, and a Docker image that let me type make and create the PDF they mailed me as the results. It was fantastic, and converted me to data science reproducibility. (via Ricardo Bion)
Post topics: Four Short Links