Four short links: 6 October 2017

Sniff HTTP Requests, Self-Driving Simulator, AI Security, and Teaching Computational Thinking Through AI

By Nat Torkington
October 6, 2017
  1. pcap2curlRead a packet capture, extract HTTP requests and turn them into cURL commands for replay.
  2. EuroPilotA toolkit for controlling Euro Truck Simulator 2 with python to develop self-driving algorithms.
  3. Learn faster. Dig deeper. See farther.

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  4. Awesome AI Security — collection of links.
  5. Engineering Courses on Computational Thinking Through Solving Problems in Artificial Intelligence​Problems in machine intelligence systems intrinsically connect students to algorithmic-oriented computing and essential mathematical foundations. Beyond knowledge representation, AI fosters a gentle introduction to data structures and algorithms. Focused on engaging mental tools, a computer is never a necessity. Neither coding nor programming is ever required. Instead, students enjoy constructivist classrooms designed to always be active, flexible, and highly dynamic. Learning to learn and reflecting on cognitive experiences, they rigorously construct knowledge from collectively solving exciting puzzles, competing in strategic games, and participating in intellectual discussions.
Post topics: Four Short Links