Four short links: 8 March 2017

Geriatric Javascript, AI Discrimination, Weaponizing AI, and Math for CS

By Nat Torkington
March 8, 2017
  1. Outdated Javascript Libraries on the Web (Paper a Day) — 36.7% of jQuery includes, 40.1% of Angular, and an astonishing 86.6% of Handlebars includes use a vulnerable version. […] the root causes are systemic in the JavaScript ecosystem.
  2. Yuval Harari InterviewQ: As a gay man, which discrimination do you prefer? A: There would really have to be some evil algorithm to do worse than human beings.
  3. Learn faster. Dig deeper. See farther.

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  4. Cooperation vs. Aggression (Mike Loukides) — Machines learn what we teach them. If you don’t want AI agents to shoot, don’t give them guns.
  5. Mathematics for Computer Science (PDF) — MIT coursebook, CC-BY-SA licensed.
Post topics: Four Short Links