Four short links: 9 April 2019

From Chrome to Edge, Old Web, Public Sans, and The Feedback Fallacy

By Nat Torkington
April 9, 2019
  1. What Microsoft Removed from Chrome to make Edge (The Verge) — Microsoft has removed or replaced more than 50 of Google’s services that come as part of Chromium, including things like ad blocking, Google Now, Google Cloud Messaging, and Chrome OS-related services.
  2. It Seems that Google is Forgetting the Old Webit seems more correct to say that Google forgets stuff that is more than 10 years old. If this is the case, Google will remember and index a smaller part of the web every year. Google may do so simply because it would be impossible to do more, for economical and/or technological constraints, which sooner or later would also hit its competitors. But this only makes bigger the problem of what to remember, what to forget, and, above all, how and who should remember and forget.
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  4. Public SansOpen source. A strong, neutral typeface for text or display. From USWDS.
  5. The Feedback Fallacy (HBR) — identifies three theories underpinning coworker feedback, and shows how they’re all wrong. What these three theories have in common is self-centeredness: they take our own expertise and what we are sure is our colleagues’ inexpertise as givens; they assume that my way is necessarily your way. But as it turns out, in extrapolating from what creates our own performance to what might create performance in others, we overreach. Research reveals that none of these theories is true. Gives advice on how to give feedback more effectively, too. At best, this fetish with feedback is good only for correcting mistakes—in the rare cases where the right steps are known and can be evaluated objectively. And at worst, it’s toxic.
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