Jupyter Digest: 22 May 2017

TensorFlow cookbook materials, source notebooks, Python lectures, and Software Carpentry.

By Andrew Odewahn
May 22, 2017
Jupyter Digest. Jupyter Digest.
  • nfmcclure/tensorflow_cookbook. Nick McClure (@nfmcclure) released all the companion materials for his book Tensorflow Machine Learning Cookbook (published by Packt, which is absolutely crushing it in publishing with Jupyter).

  • Probably Overthinking It source notebooks. If you’re not a regular reader of Allen Downey’s blog Probably Overthinking It, then you’re missing out. He regularly produces a thought-provoking series on stats, programming, and math. But, did you know you can also get his source articles as Jupyter Notebooks? Well, neither did I, until I signed on to doing this weekly series.

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  • Scientific Python Lectures. Robert Johansson’s (@rjohansson on GitHub) series of notebooks on various scientific computing topics. Are you looking to do Fortran and C, or high-performance computing? Also, for extra credit, he’s the author of Numerical Python, which you can find in Safari.

  • Software Carpentry. If you’re an organization looking to get started with the whole Python stack, or just software engineering in general, then you should check out Software Carpentry. They organize a series of courses across the world on topics like Python, Git, R, the command line, Unix. You name, they’ve got it.

Post topics: Jupyter