Highlights from OSCON in London 2016

Watch highlights covering open source, open data, architecture, the business of open source, and more. From OSCON in London 2016.

By Mac Slocum
October 17, 2016
Keynote stage at OSCON Keynote stage at OSCON (source: O'Reilly Conferences via Flickr)

People from across the open source community came together for OSCON in London 2016. Below you’ll find links to highlights from the event.

Brilliant pebbles

Mark Shuttleworth says your next million is more likely to come from an afternoon tinkering on your laptop and a tiny PC than beating your neighbour to web scale on the cloud.

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How you got here

Open licenses have served us well for more than two decades, but Cory Doctorow says they need help if we’re going to survive the era in which computers invade our structures and our bodies.

Introducing Electrode, an open source release from @WalmartLabs

@WalmartLabs has transformed its Electrode application platform to React and Node.js, and the platform is now open sourced. Laurent Desegur discusses the problems the platform aims to solve.

How InnerSource is like FLOSSing

Danese Cooper explores InnerSource, the move to develop open source software within the walls of an organization.

Evolving the JavaScript ecosystem

Kris Borchers discusses the shifts driving JavaScript.

Why and how Software Heritage is building the universal software archive

Roberto Di Cosmo reveals the motivations behind the launch of Software Heritage, a project that has archived more than 3 billion unique source code files and 650 million unique commits.

Is software freedom a social justice issue?

Karen Sandler says software freedom underlies our ability to effectively solve social problems, so we need a new way of thinking about it in relation to social justice causes.

Building an open source culture at Europe’s largest fashion platform

Lauri Apple discusses Zalando’s open source transformation and how it’s shaped the company.

Post topics: Open Source, Software Engineering

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