Major players and important partnerships in the big data market

A fully data-driven market report maps and analyzes the intersections between companies.

By Russell Jurney
September 23, 2015
Mapping Big Data Mapping Big Data (source: Relato)

Download our new free report “Mapping Big Data: A Data Driven Market Report” for insights into the shape and structure of the big data market.

Who are the major players in the big data market? What are the sectors that make up the market and how do they relate? Which among the thousands of partnerships are most important?

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These are just a handful of questions we explore in-depth in the new O’Reilly report now available for free download: Mapping Big Data: A Data Driven Market Report. For this new report, San Francisco-based startup Relato mapped the intersection of companies throughout the data ecosystem — curating a network with tens of thousands of nodes and edges representing companies and partnerships in the big data space.

Relato created the network by extracting data from company home pages on the Web and analyzed it using social network analysis; market experts interpreted the results to yield the insights presented in the report. The result is a preview of the future of market reports.

The report begins with an introduction to the data set and a history of the market. We present a market segmentation by cluster analysis, which shows the sub-markets within the data ecosystem, with similar vendors in like clusters. We go on to analyze how these markets connect with one another and explore some of the surprising insights.

The report ranks and compare the major players in the market — those who have enabled the development of the market — Hadoop platform vendors Cloudera, Hortonworks, and MapR. You’ll see how we compare and contrast vendors using traditional metrics and various types of centrality. The report characterizes the vendors’ partnership networks and will give you a better understanding of the vendors themselves.

No longer do market analyses need to rely only on surveys and produce completely subjective quadrant charts. This report reveals that market reports can be based on data collected directly from the footprint of the market players themselves, in their course of doing business.

Download Mapping Big Data: A Data Driven Market Report.

Post topics: Data-Driven Business