Polar Bear contest: And the winner is…

Seven Harkey penned an ode that warmed our hearts.

By Mary Treseler
November 19, 2015

We had several interesting submissions for the Information Architecture contest.

The authors, Peter Morville, Lou Rosenfeld, and Jorge Arango served as judges, and the vote was unanimous. This is the submission that warmed our Polar Bear hearts:

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Ode to a Polar Bear

By Seven Harkey

back in the nineties, the earliest aughts
i was riding the bubble, connecting the thoughts
of the user, consumer, the focusing group
learning what works and what does not compute
borrowed the bear from a developer friend
took 2 years
2 read
end 2 end
then went right back and read it again
saw myself living deep in its pages
something clicked (not tapped) to my future phases
when i’d build me a house of boxes and arrows
of patterns, dwellings, ones and zeros
thank you, IA for the dub dub dub
i’m forever part of your polar bear club

Congratulations to Seven Harkey for your sweet ode. Harkey is receiving a free pass to the O’Reilly Design Conference. We look forward to meeting you in January!

Post topics: Design