“The Internet is going to fall down if I don’t fix this”

An interview with Susan Sons from the Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research at Indiana University.

By Mac Slocum
November 29, 2016
Old pillars Old pillars (source: Maury1990 via Pixabay)

O’Reilly’s Mac Slocum speaks with Susan Sons, Senior Systems Analyst at the Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research at Indiana University. They discuss:

Why Susan gravitated toward security (it all started when she broke into a computer at four years old). (00:04)

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Her work to fix the Network Time Protocol (NTP), an essential part of the Internet’s infrastructure. “It was just a moment of panic,” she said, recalling her first evaluation of the NTP. “The Internet is going to fall down if I don’t fix this.” (01:53)

How the Internet’s infrastructure can remain up to date and secure. (05:34)

How organizations can balance security with the need to move quickly. (09:43)

The single most important security issue we’re facing is the battle between sound bites and first principles. (12:21)

The people and projects she’s following. (16:49)

Post topics: Security