How can I create a neural network training routine with TensorFlow-Slim?

Learn how to create an automated training routine for any of your deep learning models.

By Marvin Bertin
June 2, 2017
Screenshot from "How can I create a neural network training routine with TensorFlow-Slim?" Screenshot from "How can I create a neural network training routine with TensorFlow-Slim?" (source: O'Reilly)

TensorFlow-Slim can help build training routines that simplify the training process of neural networks. Data scientist Marvin Bertin conducts a step-by-step demonstration of how TensorFlow-Slim’s simple and powerful sets of tools are used to create a training routine.

Learn how TensorFlow’s wrapper library, TensorFlow-Slim, can take your deep learning models to another level.

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Post topics: Intelligence matters: Artificial intelligence and algorithms
Post tags: Questions