How can I effectively use the Windows 2016 Server Management Tools?

Learn how to access a server from any web browser using Windows 2016 Server Management Tools.

By John Savill
April 20, 2017
Screen from "How can I effectively use the Windows 2016 Server Management Tools?" Screen from "How can I effectively use the Windows 2016 Server Management Tools?" (source: O'Reilly)

Windows 2016 Server Management Tools allow administrators access to a server from any web browser to perform management operations. In this video, John Savill demonstrates an example of one of many such operations that can be performed. All that is needed to follow along is an Azure subscription and an on-premises windows server. IT architects and developers will learn that servers can be managed through SMT.

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John Savill is a Windows technical specialist and 11-time Microsoft MVP backed by over 20 years of experience and many certifications. John has published eight books on Microsoft technologies and has spoken at numerous conferences including Ignite and Connections. In his spare time John participates in Ironman events and shares his experiences surrounding technology through writing and video on his blog at

Post topics: Software Engineering
Post tags: Questions