How can I use InSpec to verify my Linux installation in a Docker container is secure?

Learn how to integrate InSpec and detect weaknesses in your Docker container.

By Mischa Taylor
April 25, 2017
Screen from "How can I use InSpec to verify my Linux installation in a Docker container is secure?" Screen from "How can I use InSpec to verify my Linux installation in a Docker container is secure?" (source: O'Reilly)

Diagnosing weaknesses in your container is the best way to prevent security breaches before they happen. In this video, Mischa Taylor demonstrates how Docker beginners can integrate InSpec, a security related configuration developed by server hardening experts. All that is needed to follow along is some familiarity with the command line and Docker. After watching this video, system administrators, testers, and developers will be able to build on compliance profiles and tailor security checks to their company infrastructure.

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Mischa Taylor was a consulting engineer at Chef where he specialized as a continuous delivery coach and trainer. He is the co-author of the O’Reilly book, Learning Chef. Mischa is the creator and maintainer of the open source Boxcutter project and currently works in the autonomous systems space.

Post topics: Infrastructure
Post tags: Questions