How do I turn JSON keys and elements into table rows and columns with Oracle SQL?

Learn how to unlock the full potential of your JSON data using the JSON_TABLE function in Oracle SQL.

By Darryl Hurley
March 30, 2017
Screen from "How do I turn JSON keys and elements into table rows and columns with Oracle SQL?" Screen from "How do I turn JSON keys and elements into table rows and columns with Oracle SQL?" (source: O'Reilly)

Moving JSON data out of its original format and into a SQL format allows you to perform additional queries, increasing the flexibility and usefulness of the data. In this video, Darryl Hurley demonstrates the execution of JSON_TABLE function to translate data into tabular format. Beginner Oracle SQL developers will learn how to:

  • Use the JSON_TABLE function.
  • Understand the differences between JSON data and relational data.
  • Translate key-value pairs into tabular rows and columns.

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Darryl Hurley specializes in Oracle database administration and PL/SQL programming, and is a senior level database engineer with Change Healthcare. He has used SQL with Oracle since Oracle version 5, and speaks at Oracle User Group conferences. Darryl blogs at, and is the author of the O’Reilly title Learning Oracle PL/SQL.

Post topics: Software Engineering
Post tags: Questions