How do you create a Kickstart file?

Learn how to create and make changes to a Kickstart configuration file using the anaconda-ks.cfg.

By Ric Messier
February 3, 2017
Screenshot from "How do you create a Kickstart file?" Screenshot from "How do you create a Kickstart file?" (source: O'Reilly)

Kickstart is a technology used by RedHat Linux system administrators to automate system installations. In this video, Ric Messier shows you a quick technique for creating a Kickstart file using the anaconda-ks.cfg file generated from a system installation as a base. By the end of this video you will know how to create a basic configuration file, identify important sections of a Kickstart file, and how to modify a Kickstart configuration file. You will need some basic Linux knowledge in order to get the most out of this video.

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Ric Messier has been working with Red Hat and Linux for nearly 20 years. He directs the Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics program at Champlain College in Burlington, VT, and also runs the private security firm WasHere Consulting. He is the author of multiple O’Reilly security titles, including Penetration Testing With the Metasploit Framework, Learning Linux Security, and Understanding Intrusion Detection Systems.

Post topics: Software Engineering
Post tags: Questions