Implementing API clients

Follow along as Mike Amundsen implements API clients in two styles.

By Mike Amundsen
February 4, 2016
Railway station Railway station (source: Pixabay)

The Web has evolved far beyond its early browser-centric days, and with this, the need for designing and building APIs for the Web has become even more important. Hypermedia APIs provide developers a shared, common way for communicating with the API and reducing unknowns. For those interested in getting hands-on experience building hypermedia APIs and clients, Mike Amundsen is hosting a one-day course on Implementing Hypermedia with Node and HTML5, Tuesday Feb. 9.

Topics included in this six hour, hands-on course include:

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Learn more
  • Designing a hypermedia API
  • Using the DORR pattern for coding Web APIs
  • Understanding the Collection + JSON media type
  • Building hypermedia SPA clients

By the end of the course, participants can expect to have have a fully-functional hypermedia API service up and running with a hypermedia client that works with any Web API that supports the Collection + JSON media type. This course is geared toward individuals and teams alike, with the added benefit of being able to workshop new skills, tackle exercises, and ask questions live throughout the event in the private Slack channel. Register for Implementing Hypermedia with Node and HTML5.

Post topics: Web Programming