What do I need to know before taking the Security+ certification exam?

Learn what knowledge areas are covered in the CompTIA Security+ exam objectives.

By Ric Messier
May 2, 2017
What do I need to know before taking the Security+ certification exam? What do I need to know before taking the Security+ certification exam? (source: O'Reilly)

Information security specialists are in demand. Obtaining the entry level certification, Security+, will help you break into the field of information security. Take a quick look into the CompTIA Security+ exam objectives with Ric Messier. Prerequisites and knowledge areas that are covered in the exam are discussed along with some sample questions so you know what to expect.

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Ric Messier is an author, consultant, and educator who holds GCIH, GSEC, CEH, and CISSP certifications, and has published several books on information security and digital forensics. With decades of experience in information technology and information security, Ric has held the varied roles of programmer, system administrator, network engineer, security engineering manager, VoIP engineer, consultant, and professor. He is currently a Director for Cyber Academic Programs at Circadence and was formerly the Program Director for Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics at Champlain College.

Post topics: Security
Post tags: Questions