Chapter 14

Scientific Notation

Scientific notation is an alternative to standard notation (that is, the way you normally write numbers). Standard notation can be awkward for writing very large and very small numbers, such as 19,740,000,000,000 and 0.0000000000291. Scientific notation allows you to express very large and very small numbers in a more compact way. For example: 19,740,000,000,000 = 9781118446454-eq14001.eps and 0.0000000000291 = 9781118446454-eq14002.eps.

The Problems You’ll Work On

Here are some of the scientific notation problems you’ll see in this chapter:

check.png Converting numbers from standard notation to scientific notation

check.png Converting numbers from scientific notation to standard notation

check.png Multiplying numbers in scientific notation

What to Watch Out For

Keep these tips in mind as you work through the questions:

check.png A number in scientific notation always includes two parts: A decimal no less than 1.0 but less than 10, multiplied ...

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